Almost Loved - Ch4rmed

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Almost Loved - Ch4rmed


“Tell me, how many girls have you used that line with tonight?”

He brought his face close to hers, so close that if anyone even slightly bumped into Lyris, she would’ve grazed her mouth with his. “Honestly? Just the one girl I’m looking at right now.”

“Do you usually go home with strangers?”

“Would you call us strangers?”

- - - -

Lyris is in for a something that's even more tumultuous, addictive and beautiful than she could have ever imagined.

This isn’t a love story. This is about which relationships can hold up to the secrets, mysteries and lies that comes with love. It's about how and why we love.


My opinion:

I have serious love for this book. It's not that kind of love that you have for nachos or something like that because come on who doesnt like nachos? Perhaps people who are lactose intolerant? Whatever. This book is so fabulously written, the storyline is different because to be honest it's nice to read a book about people who arent in high school! It's different because there's a new level of maturity in this book that you cant find in the high school stories! The characters are funny and so...realistic it could be an autobiography or something! This book had be biting my nails, sitting on the edge of my seat...bacisally just doing all that stuff you do when youre on edge! This is a definate must read not just for people who dont want to read about high school kids, but for anyone that wants to read an awesome book!













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