Night 6 - You're In This Too Mark!

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I feel someone gently shake my body and I moan tiredly.

"C'mon! You and your cousin have been sleeping for over 12 hours!" I hear Nate's voice.

"5 more minutes." I mumble.

"Jada, we need to get up now. Nate told us that we can't do this alone! We need to go get Mark back, he needs to help us with this too!" Jakub says.

If I didn't watch the Random Encounters under cut of all 5 nights, I would say that he's in jail. But those police people didn't lock him up well so it been a couple of days since Mark has been on the run for technically.

"Ugh! Fine! I'll get up!" I groan.

I stretch my arms, legs, neck and back then I stand up. We sneak past the animatronics and out of the building. Lucky since they were watching us and all.

"Okay. Get in my car. I found the location of Mark's house so we'll go there and try and reason with him." Nate says and hops inside a green car.

( A/N Sorry Nate if that's not the color of your car, I dunno what it looks like :P :3 )

Me and Jakub hop in the back seat and he starts to drive off.

"Stalking much." I whisper to Jakub.

"I know right?" Jakub whispers back.

"What was that?" Nate asks, looking at us the mirror in the car.

"Nothing sorry." I say.

He nods and continue driving. Oh boy.

Little Time Later...

"Okay, we're here." Nate says.

This house looks kinda similar to his real house in our dimension........

"So what exactly are we trying to do?" Jakub asks.

"Sneak into his house, not freak him out, convince him to join us with the nigh shift and that's it." Nate answers.

"That could fail y'know." I say.

"Well it's worth a shot." Nate says and exits the car.

I sigh and exit the car as well. What if he has a gun and shoots someone else. Nate heads to the door and tries to pick lock it with a small stick and the key. Okay.....

"Got anything yet?" Jakub asks.

"No....." Nate says in a concentrated way.

"Stuff it." He then says.

He stands up and kicks the lock, it bolts open and hits the wall.

"What the frick man?!" I whisper scream.

"We weren't gonna get in any other way. Let's go." Nate whispers and sneaks inside.

"This Nate is weird." Jakub shakes his head.

"Agreed." I sigh.

We sneak through the building, I hear Mark's worried voice sneak around and breathing heavily.

"Who-who's there?" Mark whispers from the side of the wall.

"Mark?" I ask in a normal voice.

He seem startled by my normal voice and screams. He swings his flashlight and it hits my eye. From the FNAF Musical, his hair is no longer black but instead a orangish redish color.

"OW MY EYE BALL!!!" I scream holding my eye as I hear Mark race off.

( A/N and yes, I would say it like that if I got hit XD )

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