The Most Funniest, Purple Guy, Ever.

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"But this is insane! Getting stuck in the Five Nights At Freddy's game is crazy! So let me guess. The nights deal with actual seconds, minutes and hours?" Jakub asks me after we walk out of the office.

"Yep. Mark interrupted me last night around 3 am when he screamed too." I nod.

"But not the real Mark, right?" Jakub asks so he is absolutely sure.

"Yeah. Not the real Mark. Anyway, I suppose you should meet the animatronics." I smile.

"Wait what?" He asks confused.

"The 3 mains are playing on stage while Foxy is in his Pirate Cove all alone. Maybe we could give him comfort." I smile happily.

"Okay. What will Foxy act like if he sees me?" Jakub asks, a nervous look on his face shows hesitation.

"Don't worry. Foxy's nice. He was annoyed I came in or told me to get out, he let me come inside." I say.

"Well alright then. I guess I'm ready. Also, red hair looks nice with you." Jakub grins.

"This? I was playing Truth Or Dare with Foxy, some of them were weird and one of them was to dye my hair red." I explain, running my hand through my fringe.

"Oh okay. That's cool." Jakub smiles.

We walk towards Pirate Cove and I open the curtain gently to show Foxy's state.

"Hey Foxy. Mind if we come in?" I ask.

"Who is we?" Foxy says with his thick pirate accent.

"Man that pirate accent is thick." Jakub whispers, I nod in agreement.

"I found my cousin confused this morning." I explain.

"Ah yes. Ye aloud to come in." Foxy says.

I walk inside and Jakub walks after me. We sit in front of him and when Jakub finally sits down, Foxy lifts up his head and his yellow eye glows for activation.

"And what is ye name lad?" He asks.

"I-i'm Jakub. Nice to meet you Foxy." Jakub stutters.

Foxy chuckles and I can tell that Jakub is nervous and confused about this, kinda uncomfortable. Probably wants to go home.

"Ah yes. Everyone seems to be uncomfortable when they see themselves in the game in real life. But don't be afraid laddie, aye don't bite." Foxy says.

"Okay. This is all just a lot to take in." Jakub breaths.

"Don't worry, this will be okay lass. Besides, ye have ye cousin who is gone through a night already. She can give you a couple basis on things if ye don't know some of the things." Foxy smiles.

"Oh okay. So I heard Jada's trying to fix you?" Jakub smirks, I elbow him, he knows I'm not much of a trier.

"Arrrghhh. Yes, and I'm very thankful for her to try and fix me. It's worth an effort." Foxy smiles at me, I smile back happily.

We continue to talk to Foxy and we start playing some Monopoly with him, but no truth or dare. Time has passed and I don't hear the music from the main 3 anymore which signifies that they've done their music.

"Well it was nice to talk to you Foxy but were gonna meet the other animatronics." I say.

"Wait aren't they performing?" Jakub asks.

"Okay lassie. Talk to you later." Foxy smiles.

I get up and walk out of Pirate Cove, Jakub follows soon behind. "Aren't they performing?"

His question is soon answered when he sees the animatronics powered down and looks at me.

"Oh. But aren't people gonna here us talking to them?"

I shake my head. "No. Even if they do, they know the right time to power down so they don't scare customers."

"Oh okay. That's pretty cool." Jakub grins.

He gets startled when the animatronics power up, looking down at us. "Hey guys!" I greet with a smile.

"Hi Jada! Who's this?" Bonnie asks with a smile.

Freddy's smile turns to a frown which confuses me. He, Chica and Bonnie power down, Jakub looks at me with a confused face.

"Why are they powered down?" He asks.

We wait for anyone to pass by, but no one does. "That's weird. They should be powered up." I say confused.

"Maybe because of me." Says a very unsettling voice. But I recognize this voice for some reason... Me and Jakub turn around and gasp when we see a very familiar face. The same guy with black hair that we recognize, he was the 2nd YouTuber I discovered.

"DANTDM!?!?" Jakub gasps with shock.

"DanTDM? Oh no. I think I know just who you are." He smirks.

His voice sounds like the very friendly and cheerful guy that I know and love, but the way he speaks like that is unsettling as well as what he's wearing. His black hair in our world today is the same in this world, the clothes he wears are all purple. A purple security guard jacket with purple pants and having purple sneakers and fluffy purple socks.

"H-how do you know us?" Jakub stutters nervously.

"Ohhhhhhh once every year. Kids or adults come to survive the nights, but no one's gotten past the 7th night. Don't bother trying it if you want your life spared. And thanks to my clothes, I'm sure you know who I am." Dan smirks.

This Dan seems to be the opposite version of the real one. He's kind and friendly, this one is dark and sick.

"The Purple Guy. Right?" I ask.

"Hey Jada! Hey whoever you are!" Aj says walking between us from left to right, of course because where standing close to the Show Stage and Dan is close to the door.

"*Snaps fingers* Correct! I murdered children and lost my own!" He laughs with a creepy grin.

I start laughing and snorting with laughter, his evil laugh doesn't go with his look.

"What's so funny!?" He growls.

"Your evil laugh doesn't go with your look!" I laugh, Jakub starts to giggle too.

"*Growls* You are insensitive!" He hisses.

"But, your Dan, aren't you?" Jakub asks, side passing our little laughing fit and getting back on track.

"Oh no. I've heard stories of this before. This Dan guy, he's still in your world. I'm just his dopleganger from another universe. That Mark guy, he's not the real Mark. I don't know who Dan is but I sure do like to kill little children! The Dan is not here, and neither will you!" Dan exclaims, then laughs evilly, pulling out a knife.

Me and Jakub scream then we run off to the Pirate Cove. We hear Dan chasing after us so we decide to not go there.

"WHERE DO WE GO!?" Jakub screams.

We circle back around, Dan or should I say Purple Guy, he's still on our tail. I push Jakub close against the wall and then myself, its the corner wall of the Show Stage. My heart races when Dan's soulless, creepy grin races past us and around to the corner. The 2nd YouTuber I discovered. And he's evil.

I take a deep breath and sigh with relief as he hasn't gotten us and we got away.

"Maybe I can meet the animatronics later. It's probably a good idea to hide in Pirate Cove." Jakub adds and I nod in agreement.

I don't know if I'll think of Dan the same way. He sure seemed more scarier and less friendly than he ever has before. Damn though. I nearly had a heart attack when he pulled out the knife. But his evil laugh didn't surely suit him! He must be the funniest Purple Guy ever! When he was talking evilly, it was also kinda funny. :3

Survive 7 Nights ( A FNAF FanFiction, Book 1 )Where stories live. Discover now