Chapter 17-part 1

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He seemed to know when they were fatigued, frightened or ill and supplying the remedy was second nature. He'd become indispensable to Arrow Q as they were turning out not only excellent stock, but now they could sell trained mounts as well. Arrow Q mounts were trained to be ground tethered and they were unflappable to noise which included gunfire.

Both traits were life-and-death for a soldier. The army had always been their biggest client, but now their mounts were so coveted that Louie could offer a man an Arrow Q mount as payment for a season's work. It was a great boon as the war had choked the economy to a stand-still. Having something so valuable for trade was a blessing and they owed it in part to Bo.

She was resting her feet on the porch when she noticed a little puff of dust on the horizon. A few minutes later a rider appeared as a dark speck in the dust cloud. It was about ten minutes after she first noticed the dust that the dogs started barking and the Man-of-the-house appeared around the corner with rifle in hand.

"No worries, Will." Vicky said struggling to her feet. "It's just the Tate boy. He's probably bringing a letter."

"If it's all the same to you," he nodded, "I'll wait to be sure."

She smiled as she shuffled to the stairs and began to climb down. The railing was a little loose. She'd have to mention that to Will. By the time she managed to waddle down off the porch and ten feet into the yard, the rider reached the gate and Will was jogging forward to open it.

"Hi Miss Vicky!" he waved as he came to a stop and jumped down from the unsaddled mount, "Got a letter and a telegram for you today. Grandma Katie said I should ride it out right away."

"Then be sure to thank Grandma Katie for me." She said happily as she reached out her hand, "Come on. Let's go inside. I have cookies and milk and then you can read to me for spell."

"Oh, I'd like that, Miss Vicky..."

"But?" she paused holding the door for him to pass ahead of her.

"But Grandma Katie said I was to get myself right back and not to dawdle."

"Ah. Well then. Just cookies and milk while your horse rests a few minutes then you can get right back and if Grandma Katie gives you a hard time you can blame it on me."

"I don't think she'll mind if I stay for a few minutes. That wind is something fierce today. Near blew me off old Lupe when I went through the pass. Next time I'll take time to saddle up first!"

"Yup. Southern New Mexico spring doesn't tolerate the lingering of Old Man Winter. She blows him right out of town. These winds are our own version of the famous Santa Anna winds that California has."

"I don't envy your friend traveling in this stuff. It will make for a nasty ride if you can't get out of it and she seemed like a fussy sort."

"Fussy is one of the nicer words I could think of to describe that woman." She chuckled at the surprised look on the young man's face. "Janelle might have been family by marriage but I would hardly call her friend."

He shrugged and stuffed a whole cookie in his mouth to avoid having to answer. It didn't matter really. She'd made no secret of her dislike for Janelle. In fact, the dislike was mutual and that suited her fine. She was arrogant and spoiled and completely ungrateful for the hospitality and the arrangements she and Katie had worked out for her travel and accommodations in California.

Vicky was glad to be rid of her abrasive houseguest. No one could have been more surprised than she was when Janelle announced she'd like to try working at the dress shop as it sounded "absolutely charming". When she left on the stage a week ago she climbed aboard and never looked back, not even to spare a look for her son and brother that waved until the coach was out of sight.

The Vicky Series: Book 3: Living A DreamWhere stories live. Discover now