A whole new problem

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I stood up in the bed. Jeff was laying beside me, which was where he was when I fell asleep.

Ever since we started dating, we don't ever sleep alone. I then threw my feet over the blankets to the bed, and walked towards the only mirror in his room.

I looked around the floor to find my jacket and some actual clothes to wear. Not going anywhere in a tank top and shorts so fucking short, they're practically underwear. As I grabbed my clothes off the ground, I heard a noise, but before I could turn around, I felt Jeff's hands pull me close to him.

He softly moaned as he started gently kissing my neck, when he asked me softly; "...Where do you think your going?"

"I'm going out." I said.

"...In the middle of the night?" He said between kisses. I sighed.

"I wanted to go see Angel." I said. "I have a present for her anyways, and I wont be able to give it to her today for Christmas."

"Why not?" He asked.

"Because I'm going to be spending it with you." I replied.

He hesitated for a minute before responding. "Why don't you just," He said, turning me around and bringing me in closer. "Sleep here with me, and deal with her tomorrow?" He asked.

I actually considered thinking about it. Jeff could tell- how was that obvious to me?- he started kissing my neck again and rubbing my back. What a kiss up.

"What did you get me for Christmas?" He asked suddenly.

"Oh Jeff, I'm not going to tell you." I said, smiling to myself. He's gonna have to wait until the sun comes up to see what I got him.

"Sally's going to break in here any minute." Said Jeff.

"I don't think so. Since Ben has been gone, she hasn't done anything except talk to Charlie."

"She wants to get information out if the teddybear..." Said Jeff quietly.

"I don't blame her." I said. "We don't know what's happening to him right now-"

Jeff interrupted my sentence by placing a finger on my lips. I looked up at him surprised, but he just smiled sleepily at me. "Just... don't worry about it. It's Christmas."

I nodded my head. I can't stay focused when Ben is gone! Because he's gone because of me. That doesn't keep you with a straight mind...

"Wait a minute..." I said, looking at him. "Why the fuck would you care if it's Christmas?! Aren't you a cold hearted killer who doesn't give a fuck?"

"Maybe.." He breathed, looking at me sadly, "But I was only trying to cheer you up."

I smiled. "I appreciate you trying to cheer me up," I said, grabbing his chin, and I layed a soft kiss on him.

He smiled down at me, even though he smiled every second of every day, I could see his actual and original lips curl into a smile.

After a while, I decided that we should go into the livingroom. There, I saw the tree that we had put up- when I say we, me and Jack were the ones who put it up. But anyways, under it we saw a few gifts, and I was guessing that they were all for Sally. If there was one down there for me, I would probably give it to Sally anyways.

Sally deserved everything she got today- she's been grieving over Ben for three days. Not like everyone else has, but it's seriously unhealthy for her to do that. I understand why she would grief though- Ben always played with her, cheered her up when she was down, even played dress up from time to time with her.

Vicious the Killer-(a Jeff the killer love story)Where stories live. Discover now