The discovery

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I've never knew what it was like to be sane. I had always been a sheer psychopathic being.

And truth be told, I didn't mind much for it. I enjoyed all sorts of normal nature of being this way.

My name is Vicious. Vicious Johnson, and my story will truely be a open veiw of this life style.

I sat at the very edge of my bed, dozing off into these illusions I always had. It was like another world for me.

I could ignore all the actions around me to feel everything in my head. But lately, I've been having these thoughts of a person..

I don't know anything about them- except for a few things. I got a look at his face as he turned around to face me. I was dazzled as my heart melted and my legs went numb. He was wearing a white jacket with black dress pants and some classy convers.

His face was... white, and was surrounded with shoulder-length hair, that was black. His eyes were rimed in black, plainly revealing no eyelids what so ever. The best thing that I loved about his face..

was the smile.

He had this grin that made me never want to look away. I watched his face closely, only to see that he had a smile from cheak bone to cheak bone. He was a beautiful creature, well, to me that is.

After the first three times I had seen him in present daydreams and illusions, I finally decided to find out who he was. I leaned over my bed to grab my android off of the dresser, and clicked the sleep button to see it shine to life. I taped the search bar, and typed in all the complection descriptions:

Black hair, black eyes, white face, white sweat-shirt, and black dress pants.

I waited for about twenty-seconds for my shitty phone to finally update my responces.

My mind scattered as I read the small screen and saw all sorts of pictures.

I scrolled down, seeing everything had a name in all of the links.

Jeff. Some of them were pictures, not quite what I had in my head. Then I scrolled back up to a YouTube video, It was called-

"Go to sleep"- Jeff the killer

I raised an eyebrow at the title, then finally clicked on it, waiting for the video to load.


After I got done watching the video, I looked up, my heart beat was pushing the tempo faster and faster.

"He went insane because of these bullies.." I whispered out loud. I touched the screen,resting my fingers on the picture of his face. I feel his pain..

I felt my face blush as I heard a voice from behind.

"Feel who's pain?"

"Jenna!? What are you doing here!?"

"Uh, listening. This is my room, too."

"Yeah, but don't I deserve any privacy?"

Jenna rolled her dark green eyes and walked out the door. I heard her mumble something, but then she walked away. Jenna was the oldest kid in the house out of the six of us.

There's Jenna,me, Isis, Noah, Brodey, and the youngest, Vivian. Out of all my siblings, Vivian and Brodey were my favorite. Yeah, they were young, but there was something about them. Brodey was smart and artistic, just like me. And Vivian was nothing more than my little ray of sunshine. She was like me in a lot of ways. Maybe it's because she likes me and Brodey the most. Brodey is her favorite brother while I was her favorite sister. Maybe...

I then returned to my phone, scrolling down to the suggested videos. I was astonished and fascinated by these videos. There was something about him... Every other fourteen year old would claim him to be creepy, and be scared. Others would say that he wasn't real... but I personally think he is real.

Even though I have never seen him before, other than my imaginary figures..

Something caught my attention as I heard my phone make a static noise from the video. I hadn't realized that clicked on it and drifted to my thoughts and didn't mind the video until now.

Suddenly, I heard a raspy voice coming from my earbuds.

It was Jeff.

He said something about how the detective wasn't dead, and how he hacked into his computer. He said something about how he knew where everyone that was watching this was, and started listing off stuff about were people were. Then suddenly- he said something that really caught my attention.

"Hey.. you, the one shaking in your computer chair...

You're cute. I'll take my time with you."

My heart sank after he had said that. I wasn't afraid... but instead curious. Shortly after that was said, the video was over, and the suggestion box was up again.

I scrolled down, craving to find out more about Jeff the killer.

Vicious the Killer-(a Jeff the killer love story)Where stories live. Discover now