Waiting for a killer

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I swiftly glided my fingers through the edges of the boards on the side of this white house on Main road.

I sure did love the sudden stir in the weather- it was beginning to become a little bit warmer. But it was still difficult to feel my toes. It was only fall, so luckily there was no snow on the ground.

I believed a family lives here- though I could've wrong. The wind had blown so fast before that it had literally froze my nightly shaded hair to stay stiff.

I didn't want to stay out too late tonight- I had school in the morning. And It was already ten.

I used my stealthy skills to climb the side of the house, it was difficult, but it could deffinately be worst. After falling down three times, she had finally found a window, and quickly slid it open. Only her luck it was unlocked.

She slipped in quietly, thankful that there was a sleeping figure that seemed to not be corrupted in any way.

"Phew." She said, gently lifting the

thick blanket a tad.

There,I saw a boy, older than me, of corset. Which makes me want to kill him even more..

I've been through the state where

when I was younger, big kids would always pick on me, take my lunch money, or anything else. But what could I do? I was the oldest kid in the household, and no one was there to even stick up for me. Years have past since those scared events, and now I am this.

I took the knife out of my pocket, and slit hus throat- swiftly and fast.

He looked up at me with these brown eyes, glaring into my black orbs, giving the emotion:

'What did I do wrong?'

The thing is- I softly grinned and didn't feel a thing for it. As my eyes drifted over, I saw a tie. And got a brilliant idea.

I tied the tie around his neck successfully, and used my knife to cut a line through it, making it look like he had hung himself and then cut his throat. I took his blood and wiped it all over the handle of my knife, leaving no trace of DNA of my presence.

"Ha, you look splendid!," I said."Wish you were here to see yourself.." with that said, I jumped out the window, there within a flash, and gone without a trace.

The next day, I grabbed my bookbag before bolting out the door, just barely making it to my bus. I passed the seats and saw all the children. Bouncing, laughing, talking, reminded me of how annoying they all were.

Finally I had reached the back, finding a empty seat for me to sit in.

I looked at my reflection on the window to my seat. I looked terrifying- which was perfect. All I did was add extra black eye liner to yestyrdays run downs.

And my hair- it was straight as usual, but kinda frayed everywhere.

I wore my black hoody, and some raggety riped-up jeans. I looked exactly the way I wanted to.

Suddenly, I felt some pressure on the other half of my seat, turning my head to see some boy sit with me.

"Hey, I'm gonna sit with you today, if you don't mind?" He said.

"Knock yourself out." I said as her started to settle. I stared off I to though, as the bus kept running and stopping to pick up the rest of the people for school.

I realized that this killing people thing was way to addicting. maybe I can go to killing animals. There was woods gated off in my backyard, maybe I could go back there sometime...

Vicious the Killer-(a Jeff the killer love story)Where stories live. Discover now