Dance off!! :3

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{Three days later}

I stood up in my bed, my arms and my wings sprawled out. I threw my feet over my bed and walked to my dresser. I looked in the mirror, and couldn't look away.
"My face.." I thought. I fucking loved my face, my two dark, black scars that rimed vertically on my eyes. They were also bordered in black, which made me more terrifying.

And my wings! My giant, black arches of feathers that were from my back. I liked them too...

Unfortunately, when I got in that fight with Jeff, I knew how to fly, but only when I was pissed or psycho for the moment.

"Jeff..." I thought. And almost immediately I remembered the specific 'incident' that had happened only a few days ago... flashbacks came from me beating the shit out of him, and then I did everything I could to help keep him alive.... and then....

That kiss...

My mind told me that it would be for the better... and my thoughts told me to kiss him. So I did.

And where am I now? Three days later, and haven't said much of anything to him. Maybe he thought it was a coincidence, and that I only did it to make him feel better..

But my heart was telling me that this wasn't the case... that I liked him... a lot. But I want to know-how

Do I like him?


I went down the stairs, thanking the heavens it's Saturday again. I walked into the kitchen and jumped as the whole household was sitting at the kitchen table.

Slendy, Ben, Masky, Hoodie, Jack, Sally and Jeff were sitting there, waiting for me.

There was a cake on the table, with pink icing and little rose designs. But wait- my birthday isn't till next Friday! why is this...

"Vicious!" Said Sally, everyones attention on me now. Everyone stared and started talking. I rubbed my eye sleepily and asked what was going on.

"You guys do realize that my birthday isn't until next week, right?" I said, yawning.

"This is your congrasulations, you've made it through one week with us!" Yelled Sally. I froze for a minute.

"Actually, Sally was bored and made you a cake." Said Slendy, flipping the magazine he had.

Jack and Hoodie looked at each other and giggled. I thought they might of done something to the cake for a second. The whole Guinea pig poop insident, and mentally threw up. "I'm gonna eat it later." I said.

"Well, don't you have something to tell us?" Asked Ben, a smile on his face.

Sally giggled while looking at me. "Yeah... don't you have something to say?"

I was completely lost for a good minute." Uh... I haven't grown anything lately, so my transforming days are close to over I presume."

Slenderman laughed. "Oh Vicious child, you don't ever see the end of your transformation. You keep going until it stops on it's own. Even we don't know if we're done with our phases- and we'll probably never know!"

"But however, that is not the case." Said Masky. Even with the mask on- I could tell he was grinning.

Jeff remained quiet and looking down at his cereal, eating it quietly. He didn't look at me, much less show his face to me. And it's been this way for three days now. He may still be wounded from my... uh, the fight- but he should have regained his strength, right? He could walk, and he goes back to school on Monday with me and Ben.

Vicious the Killer-(a Jeff the killer love story)Where stories live. Discover now