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It's been exactly a month since the.   Jeff incident. I haven't seen any sign of him either, for that matter.

But it hasn't stopped me from wondering if he was going to return. I knew how his gears worked, because frankly, mine worked the same.

I wasn't myself that night. I had turned into this... This monster.

I've never done that before. I mean- I've never acted that crazy. When I 'go out'- I do it in a calm, orderly manner. But when I saw Jeff...

Something inside me felt like I could set the world ablaze and not care.

"Vicious.. you okay?" Said Jenna, a look of worry on her face. I smiled warmly and replied gently. "I'm fine. I'm just... lost in thought."

"What are you thinking about?" She asked. I could see those green eyes flash with curiousity and worry. Typical older siblings.

"" I lied. I watched her to see if she bought it.

"Rrright. Well, can you hit the lights? I've got to get up in the morning to straighten my hair.

I nodded and pulled the chain, and watched the lights turn off as I raised the sheets and pulled them over my body. I got warm and cozy for a nice twenty minutes.

Then I got up, and snapped my fingers in front of Jenna.

Out cold.

I hopped out of bed and servhed through the dressers for my brown coat that had all of my supplies in it. I didn't get a chance to use the sword last time. But I really didn't want to use it anymore. I wanted/needed something new.

But there was no time now. I threw on my jacket and unlocked my window and slid it open.

I hopped out, feeling the cold air hit me while doing so. I seriously hated this weather.

I walked across the street from my house, walking my way to down town. I needed blood tonight. Hopefully it'll get my mind off of Jeff.

Suddenly, I saw something. It was right at the corner of my eye, and was white. I walked closer to it, my knife at my fingertips in my pocket.

As I approached it, I saw it was a piece of paper tacked into the tree. I ripped it off, and read it.

When blood is craved, she will be collected.

I stood still for a second, trying to figure out what this all means. My intelegence summoned that this was one of Slenderman's notes.

I looked up immediately to hear a crack, guessing it was a twig snapping.

I was curious- not stupid. I broke for a run moments later, never looking behind me.


I paused in the middle of a front lawn, hands on my knees and catching my breath. I looked up to immediately recognize this house...

Christian lived here.

I hated Christian- with every tention. He was cruel- expecially to me. Which was funny, because he was small. But the way he... he was just a staight-up dick.

And now I have found my victim.

I climbed into the house, through the window on the side of the house. I luckily was in Christian's bedroom, seeing him sleep in his bed.

I've never killed anyone I actually knew before, nonetheless went to school with.

Then, I felt something inside me. It was a weird feeling- nothing I've ever felt before. It made me... happy.

Vicious the Killer-(a Jeff the killer love story)Where stories live. Discover now