♡ Chapter 31 ♡

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Lexi's P.O.V

I got out of bed and went to the mirror.

"Not to bad." I sad admiring my body.

I went to the washroom and as usual did my 45 minute make-up routine. Can't break tradition. In one week this Chlamydia will be gone and so will Diana. It's a win win week for me. I wasn't planning on killing Diana because I hate the bitch, but to kill is different, but I don't want the school knowing about the Chlamydia. I know she saw me at the doctors but I don' think she heard anything.

I walked downstairs and as usual my mom was in the kitchen with a random guy. Like mother like daughter I guess.

"Morning Alexis." My mom said smiling walking towards me

"It's Lexi. Oh and new robe mom?" I asked laughing a little. She bought a new robe every week cuz she fucks guys and is too lazy to get dressed. Whore.

"Oh Alexis, always so judgmental. I want you to meet Pete." she said motioning to the guy.

"Nice to meet ya." he said holding out his hand.

"Id rather not. I don't want to shake that hand has especially after how loud I could hear-"

"OKAY! Breakfast!" my mom said cutting me off.

"I'm going to get Starbucks. Non-fat latte's are key to perfection." I replied smiling.

"Okay dear." my mom said trying to smile.

"Bye love" my mom yelled

"Bye mom, bye Parker!" I said trying to annoy him. It worked.

"It's actually-" I cut him off by slamming the front door. New guy every night, same shit the next day.

I got to school with my Starbucks and did one last check in the mirror. I look good. As always. I got out of the car and did my signature walk into school. Instead of people bowing down to my hotness they just stared. Then I heard one bitch laugh, I turned around and walked right up to her.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?" I yelled making everyone watch, instead of backing down she stood up to me.

"Keep walking Chlamydia girl, I don't wanna catch anything you have." she said pushing me back a little.

"FUCKING CUNT!" I yelled before hitting her knocking her out.


No one said a word until one guy spoke up.

"Did you catch it from one of the older guys you've fucked." that made everyone laugh. I got out of there as fast as I could. Shit. My reputation's ruined.

I walked into the washroom and looked at my face. I looked like a broken beauty queen! My mascara was running, my hair was getting frizzy and I could see that my power over everyone was slowly dying. I heard a washroom stall open and of course guess who walks out...Diana.

Diana's POV

I heard someone crying and I went out of my stall to go see who it was. When I saw it was Lexi I I instantly regretted it.

"YOU!" she yelled walking towards me. She punched me in the face and the back of my head hit the stall door.


I try to get up to run away but she pulls my hair back and slams my head on the floor. I could feel myself getting really dizzy.

"Please stop." I whimper. What can I say, fighting isn't my thing unless I'm really pissed.

Lexi got down face level with me and smirked.

"Do you know what this is?" she asked pulling out a knife. I quickly nodded my head.

"Do you know what I'm going to do with this?" she asked putting the knife near my stomach.

"Please Lexi don't." I begged.

"Three." she said moving the knife around my neck.

"Two." she said going back to my stomach.

"ONE!" she yelled finally stabbing the knife into my thigh.

I would start to scream for help but Lexi covered my mouth. Every time I moved the knife would hurt more and Lexi would push it in further. Lexi finally took out the knife and started kicking me.


"Light's out bitch." Lexi said kicking my stomach one last time.

Suddenly I coughed up blood and could barley breathe. I crawled over to my backpack and dialed Harry. My vision started to get blurry and I tried to speak.

"Hello?" I could hear his husky voice ask.

"H-harr." I said into the phone. Then my eyes slowly closed and I fell into a pit of darkness.

Harry's POV

"Diana?" I asked over the phone.

"DIANA?" I said louder making the whole class stare at me.

"Perrie, where did Diana go before the bell rang?" I asked her.

"The girls washroom why what's-" I cut her off quickly


I walked to the door when the teacher stopped me.

"Going somewhere Mr.Styles?" asked Mr.Barnes

"Yes." I replied

"Take a seat." he said pointing to my desk.

"No, this is an emergency I have to go." I replied

"Sit, or you get a detention." she said sitting down.

"See ya at 3!" I replied before leaving.

"GET BACK HERE!" I heard him yell. I ignored it and kept running.

I ran into the first washroom and there was no Diana. I ran to the other girl's washroom but once again there was no Diana. On my way to the third I bumped into Lexi.

"Hey there sexy." she said trying to grab my arm

"Hey Chlamydia girl." I said before getting out of her grip and running.

I ran into the last girls washroom and I felt my heart explode. Diana was lying in a pool of her own blood. He body was just lying there lifeless. In her hand she was holding the phone. Her fingers slowly let it go and I ran and sat beside her.

"DIANA! WAKE UP!" I yelled at her.


I pulled out my phone and called 911.

"Hello emergen-"


"Where are you sir?"

Perrie walked in and I handed the phone to her. She continued the conversation with the lady on the phone. I held Diana and looked at her.

Don't give up Diana. Please.

Little Black Dress//harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now