♡ Chapter 6 ♡

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Diana's POV

One hour late. Little shit. Ms. Carry told me that I would get extra marks if I helped out that dick Harry, and he was late. It's Friday and I want to practice piano, but Harry must have other plans. I should probably just forget about it and assume he's not going to show.I even got a little dressed up. I took off my cardigan and threw it in my room. I then ran downstairs to grab a bag of chips. My aunt was gone so I had gone shopping for some better snacks. Wheat germ wasn't exactly a tasty food.



"Dianaaaaa?" I heard Harry knock.

"Y-yeah coming" I yelled.

Shit I was still in my tank top and my cuts showed. I quickly ran upstairs and back down and opened the door.

"Hey." I said nonchalantly

"Hi. Let's get this over with. I have a sleepover party to go to." he said walking in.

Well then.


"So why is it called a C?" asked Harry.

"Because it's here on the piano." I replied

"Yeah but why?" he asked

"JUST BECAUSE!" I replied loosing my patience. This kid was hard to teach.

"I'm going to fail." he said running his hands through his hair.

"No, you wont. Try this exercise." I said handing him a piece of paper.

"Okay." he replied

I started to do my math and as usual got stuck.

"Shit." I mumbled.

"What's wrong?" he asked

"Math." I replied with a serious face. That made him chuckle for some reason.

"Math, is easy. Theory is complicated." He said taking my paper.

"On the contrary, Theory is easy and math is a pain in the ass." i said making him laugh again.

"Look, you need to find the slope, then you can put this into equation number one and use substitution." he said writing.

"I have no idea what that means." I replied

"Wait aren't you smart? Honor roll and all?" he asked

"Yes, but math is the one subject that I can't grasp." I said rolling my eyes

"Here's a deal." Harry said smirking. I nodded for him to continue.

"I help you with math, and you teach me piano." he said smiling

"You can't even get theory and you want to learn how to play piano?" I asked

"Theory isn't playing, banging on the keys is playing and I want you to teach me." he said sternly

"No Harry, theory is how you play piano, and it's much more than banging on keys." I replied angrily

"Look, deal or no deal?" He asked.

I looked down at my worksheets and they were all blank. I was so lost in math and unfortunatly this fucker is the only one who knows math like the back of his hand.

"Fine." I said through gritted teeth

"Great, I'll be here tomorrow to learn. How's 3 o'clock?" he asked

"Fine." I replied walking towards the door with him.

"See ya tomorrow little bitch." he said walking away.

"Bye fucker." I yelled.

Fucking Harry Styles man. I hate him. He's the reason I'm misserable and yet here I am in a deal with him. Fuck.

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