Chapter 21

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About ten minutes later, the car comes to a stop. He turns the car completely off and crawls over the seat divider, coming to me. I begin to get nervous and fidgety. Before I can worry much more he wraps my hands around him and makes the seat tip back. He then begins to kiss me- quick and hungrily. I kiss him back and tug his hair, making him moan. Our clothing starts coming off waaaay too quickly. While Al begins undoing his belt I get a second to think;  then before I know it I have pushed Al away from me and am desperately trying to move away from him. His brown eyes go large as he realizes what's happening, souring his mood. Before I know it he's back in the driver's seat and has started the truck, not even giving me a minute to sit down and get situated before speeding off into the night. A long twenty minutes later we are back at my grandma's house. I hop from the car and run into the house, without saying goodnight to him. Once I'm inside, I realize he didn't even wait for me to get into the house before driving away. "How rude!" I say to the darkness in front of me. I kick off my shoes and slowly walk up the stairs, stopping in the kitchen to find something to drink; when all of a sudden I hear voices talking. I stay as quiet as possible as I sneak up to my grandma's bedroom door to listen. "Liz, I still love you. I was a fool to leave you. Please take me back, I'll show you it's worth it." The male voice begs. I hear a loud, audible, and clearly frustrated sigh from my grandma. Before I can hear her response my phone starts going off. I quickly fish it out of my pocket and answer it, running outside on the back deck. "Hello?" I ask out of breath, slamming the door behind me and sitting down. "Heyyy." The voice drawls. I instantly freeze, there's only one person I know who sounds like this. "J-Julien?" I stutter nervously. "Mhm." He replies. Tears suddenly run down my cheeks, my thoughts start spinning at one hundred miles an hour. This is too much too take in. My voice comes out in a calm steady voice. "What do you want and how in God's name did you get my number?" I ask more curious than mad. "Mmmm Steven gave it to me." He says. I mentally curse out Steven. He will hear from me tomorrow. I let out a sigh. "Then what do you want?" I ask. The line goes quiet and I fear he hung up. "Hello?" I ask. "Forget it." He says then hangs up. I look at my phone in surprise. As I start to stand up I see my grandma and grandpa in the dining room talking. Slowly I open the slider glass door and walk in. The second I step foot into the house my grandfather calls me over to him. I roll my eyes and plaster on a smile as I walk over to the small table. "Hey grandpa, what are you doing here so late? It's almost ten." He blinks at my words and ignores everything I had just said. "Hey Jade! How are you? Enjoying vacation? How is everything? Did you do well in school? I hope you did or I'll call that school." I ignore everything he says and turn to my grandma. "Grandma? I'm having a bad night, I think I'm gonna go to sleep." She smiles at me and says it's okay." I turn around and leave the room hiding on the other side of the wall listening to what they're about to say. "Well that was rude! She totally ignored me! That girl has no respect for anyone." My grandpa says loudly. "Dan! Shut up! She's gonna her you!" Grandma loudly whispers. "I don't care, let her hear me. It's the truth." He continues on. I walk into the bathroom, getting ready for bed. Once finished I walk onto my room and close the door behind me. Grandpa's words fly around in my head. I sigh into the darkness and let my thoughts take me away as I attempt to sleep.

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