Chapter 15

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Half an hour later we pull up to my grandma's small white condo. Slowly we come to a stop in her garage and get out. Once upstairs I sigh deeply and plop onto her couch momentarily closing my eyes and thinking about everything that's happened since I've been here. A second later I feel her eyes on me so I open my eyes and look at her. "Would you like something to eat?" She kindly asks me. I nod my head and she disappears into her kitchen. A few minutes later I smell something delicious- a grilled cheese. When it's finally finished and quickly chow down on it and bring my plate to the sink before going to find her. Once I find her I see she's watching Judge Judy, so I leave her be and go into the spare bedroom pulling out my phone and dialing my home. Nobody answers- maybe they're out. I put my phone down and go watch TV with my grandma, which quickly gets boring so I sit outside on her deck and watch all the birds as they come and go. Occasionally a humming bird flits by. With the sun warming me and the quiet white noise I rock myself in a chair and just relax. The morning slowly turns to afternoon as I make no sign of moving. After a while my grandma makes me come in before I dehydrate or get a sunburn. Bored out of my mind I decide to take a nice warm shower- it could be one hundred degrees and I'd still take a hot shower. Once in the shower I sit down and let the water pelt down on me. Rather comfortable I close my eyes and accidentally fall asleep. I'm awoken to my grandma pounding on the door asking if I'm okay. "Yes grandma, I'm fine." I reassure her. "I'll be out soon." I say and begin to quickly washing up hopping out five minutes later. I had just emerged from the bathroom when I hear two voices. One I know is my grandma's but I can't figure out who the other person is. Quietly I sneak around the house and hide behind the wall slowly peeking to see who it is, and when I do I almost have a heart attack. It's Zack. Not being sneaky enough he sees me and jumps up walking over to me. I flaten myself against the wall for a second before plastering a smile on my face and walking over to him. "Heeey" I greet. "What are you doing here?" I ask curious. He smiles at me. "Well I heard what happened after I left so I was wondering if you wanted to hang out a bit?" He so smoothly asks. I look to my grandma for approval and she ever so slightly nods her head. "Yeah, sure just give me a second." I say and quickly run to my room and grab my phone. When I come back Zack is still there waiting for me. I bid goodbye to my grandmother and we quickly leave in his little blue car. We reach the end of the hill and he stops the car looking at me. "Where do you want to go?" He asks me. Unable to make a decision I just tell him anywhere. "Wow that's helpful." He says sarcastically. We sit there a minute more before he makes up his mind and starts driving. I watch the scenery as we drive and wonder where we are going.

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