Chapter 2

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I walk into English class and take my seat. The second I sit down Julien comes over and sits in front of me. "Hey there Jade." He drawls out. God he is so cute! I've had a crush on him since last semester. "Hey Julien, what's up?" I attempt to causally ask him. He makes his eyes into slits and starts randomly talking about something crazy and I quickly get confused. As he chatters on his hand hits my knee under the desk, frightening me. I look at him and he's still going on about whatever he's talking about. A minute later he hits my knee again. "Julien, what the fuck do you want?" I ask getting angry. His voice goes down a notch as he answers. "Open your hand." Confused I open my hand as he makes a humming noises and starts talking a bit before getting up and leaving me. I put my hand in my lap and look down- pills?! What the hell are these for?! I quickly place them in my pocket before getting in trouble and give him a questioning look. He smirks at me and points to the door. As I get up to ask if I can use the restroom Julien leaves the room without even asking!! Soon after I follow him out. He's in the hallway waiting for me, and we begin walking around. "Happy?" He asks me. Whipping my head to look at him I scowl. "Julien I could get in so much trouble for these! Why did you even give them to me- what even are they?!" I question. He smirks again and I just want to smack him. "Take one now." He says and walks away. "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" I scream down the hallway. He ignores me and keeps walking. Ugh what an ass! I better not die. Slowly I pop a pink pill in my mouth and chase it down with water before heading back to class. As I step back into the classroom I see Julien already back in his usual seat. He quickly comes over to me "Did you take it?" He asks me. Upset with myself I nod. "Good, you'll feel it by next block." With that he goes back to his seat and sits down. Meanwhile I sit there and mentally freak out. What if I die? Maybe I should go and gag myself to get it outta me. My mind is reeling as I silently freak out. I decide to do nothing and pray I don't die. The bell rings and I head to Spanish. I sit down at my table and suddenly get very dizzy, terrified I look around and everything is black and white! "What the hell?!" I whisper to myself. All sound is gone as I feel like I'm spinning and tipping. What did he give me?! Ten minutes later I meet up with Nikki and tell her what's going on- she is hella pissed as we go to get our lunch. Without meaning to I run straight into Julien. He turns around and smirks. "Jade, how ya feeling?" He asks. "Julien I'm tired, everything is going in slow motion and I'm about to fall asleep!" I mumble. He laughs "Good, its working." Furious I grab Nikki and try my hardest to storm away and eat lunch. All throughout lunch my head bobs around and my eyes begin to close. Nikki trys her hardest to keep me awake. After forever lunch is finally over. The rest of the day is slow moving. As I leave the building I run into my friend Marie. I tell her about what happened and right as I do Julien strolls up to me. "Jade, how ya feeling?" Furious I scream at him. "I FOUND OUT WHAT YOU GAVE ME- BENADRYL!!! WERE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?! I HAVE BEEN IN SLOW MOTION ALL DAY!!!" All he does is laugh and walk away. What an ass!!! Nikki, Marie and I leave the building and go home. Hopefully tomorrow is better......

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