Chapter 19

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Two hours later the parade is over. My ears are still ringing from all the gun shots. We all walk back to our cars and get in. Zack stays out a extra minute and talks to my aunt and uncle. When he gets back in he's quiet, which makes me nervous. After an hour of driving and him not telling me where we are going we finally arrive at a small lake, and it starts down pouring the second we get there. "C'mon Jade." He tells me as he gets out. I wait a second, leaving my grandma in the car and joining him. We run towards a picnic area and stand under the metal awning. "Wow look at all the rain coming down!" I exclaim. I turn around and Zack is nowhere to be seen. "What the hell?" I say aloud. Upset I sit down at a table and trace the lines running through the wood. Two minutes later I hear feet slapping the concrete and look up. There's Zack, standing there out of breath and drenched. He must feel my eyes watching him because he lifts his head and walks right over to me. He stands in front of me with an unreadable expression on his face. Nervousness begins to spread through me yet again. Ignoring it I stand up and begin to walk towards the car. Before I can make it three steps Zack stands in front of me making me halt. "Zack, what are you doing?" I ask. I take a step back, while he steps closer. "I know you like riding with me." He says. His voice gets deep and husky- I've never heard it like this. Freaking out a bit I take another step back as he takes another step forward. Chills go throughout my body. "So why are you acting like you're always so miserable?" He asks again. Unable to answer I step back again and run into a pole. Zack steps forward yet again and puts both of his hands on the sides of my body. Trapped I make a weird noise in the back of my throat and mumble unintelligently. He moves his face closer, humming while he does so. "Answer me Jade." He whispers. "I-I-" He cuts me off by placing his lips on mine. My eyes snap shut as I enjoy this moment. I melt into him, groaning. After what feels like forever, we part. I don't dare to look at him as we walk back to the car in silence, letting the rain soak us to the bone. Once we are settled in the car my grandma starts in. "Where did you guys go? Why did it take so long? Ohmygosh! Why are the two of you so wet?!" My grandma asks. Unsure what to say I stay quiet and hope Zack says something, thankfully he does. "We played in the rain a bit, and I had to run to the bathroom." He says looking at my grandma. Satisfied she says nothing else as we continue our drive home. Throughout the drive I keep glancing in the review mirror and see Zack looking at me, when he sees me looking he looks back to the road. The ride is silent except for the glances that say more than words could ever say. He drops my grandma and I off at home, peeling out of the driveway and speeding away. "Hmm I wonder what happened to him?" My grandma wonders. I stay silent, walking into the house and grabbing a new change of clothes. After I have changed I wrap myself in a blanket and flop down on my bed, reliving our kiss. "I can't believe that happened!" I whisper to myself, smiling.

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