I'm going to another world

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I can't believe what I did! I should have never even thought of Omar! I hurt Harry! I always dream of meet Harry and then I hurt him! What the hell was I even thinking!

I heard a knock on the door. But I ignored it. Then Lou walked in my room!

Lou: Sam here you go thanks for what you did for us!

He gave me a poster with Harry names singed in it!

Me: what is this for?

Lou: that what you wanted in the first place so Harry told me to give you this!

Me: Does he still hate me?

Lou: I don't know but he's really mad.

Me: why would he give me a poster?

Lou: cause that's what he gives fans!

Me: wait! What? Well I guess we're really done cause i'm a fucking fan now!

Lou: just wait for him to calm down.

Me: well ok then. Thanks!

Lou: well im gonna go now! See ya around!

He turned around and left!

I need to talk to Harry! I grabbed my phone and texted him

Harry! I know you hate me but I'm really sorry! Even if we aren't together anymore just I need to know If you forgive me.

As soon as I sent I got a reply

Harry: its ok. Sam you can be with Omar, I forgive you , we can stay friends if you want!

What I don't wanna be with Omar I want to be with him!:(

Me: o cool ya friends is fine. Thanks for the poster. I'll send the rest of you stuff to jordys house!

Harry pov

Sam: ok bye

Me: bye!

I just need time to get the image of her kissing him out of my mind! She might have had a reason to do so! But its still what's right!

It was About 2am now! Everybody was sleeping here tonight! Sam was at here house alone! I wasn't in the mood to sleep so I went for a ride!

I went to the ice cream shop! I was excepting it to be closed but it was opened! I parked the car and went in! I didn't believe it at first but Zayn's x-girlfriend was sitting there! I was moreena!

I went up to her. I knew this was wrong, and I felt like I was backstabbing Zayn but I need someone to talk to!

Me: heyy

Moreena: what the hell do you want? If your here to bitch just go find someone else!

( wow Zayn have dumped her hard)

Me: no I just saw a friend and came to talk to her!

She rolls her eyes then replies wait so you mean me friend! I think if your girlfriend heard that she would either break up with you or amm think that's it just break up with you!

She stood up and was walking away!

Me: ya we broke up!

Moreena: so your single now!

She comes back and hold my hand!

Me: ya I'm single!

She smile and then leans in for a kiss!

Sam pov

I couldn't get Harry off my mind and I wasnt use to sleeping alone I know it's weird I'm a teenager but I'm scared to sleep alone! So I went out for ice-cream! Today they open 24 hours!

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