Just us girlzz

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I woke up the next morning and my ankle was really hurting. I soon as I open my eyes I see Stephanie and Jordy sitting on the edge of my bed.

Morning girlz- I said trying to hide my pain from them.

Jordy: hey

Stephanie: morning

They weren't thereselves something was up! I wondered what it could be. Then passes me a note.

Who's this from? I asked but they didn't answer.

I open the note and it's from Harry!

Morning babe how are u feeling? Is your ankle hurting? hopefully not. I'm sorry I didn't couldn't tell u this in person but we had to leave town for this small tour around the country. I really miss u and hope that u don't hate me right now. But remember I'm. Always with in as long as u have the necklace. I promise I'll skype. With u as soon as possible! Luv ttyl mwah

Wait the boys left? I asked

They left around 4 am Harry didn't want u to wake up since he noticed you were in pain! Stephanie said

Jordy gave me my medication. And said : It's ok i know u didn't get to say goodbye in person but on the other hand us girlz can have fun with out the boys!! Mannies and patties. We can go get our hair and so much more.

That true and by the time they come back I'll have my cast off then we can have real fun with no broken ankles lol- I replied

The day went on with us girlz we Pancakes for breakfast then made spaghetti for dinner. We were having fun!

Around 11:00 pm all of our phones rang at the same time!

It's the boys!!

Jordy went downstairs to the living room. Stephanie went out on the balcony and I was still in my room.

Me: hey cutie I miss u

Niall: Amm hi Sam

Me: Niall sorry I thought u were Harry

Niall: laughing yeah Harry called but then Zayn attacked him so I took his phone. So how's your ankle

Me: laughing g it good it's hurts sometimes but it's good now.

Niall: that good how are jordy an Stephanie? Let me guess they're on their phone talking to Lou and Liam.

Me: you guess correctly

Niall: well here harry for u and ttyl bye and take care.

Me: you too

Harry: hello sexy how are u

Me: ok me I'm fine I was haystack dancing

Harry: wow really? How are u ? I miss u.

Me: I miss u more baby how's the tour going?

Harry: good lots ok hot girlzz

Me: amm can you repeat that? Hahah I miss u when are u coming home?

Harry: in a week and I miss u too.

Me: I luv u

Harry: o really? Prove it

Me: (I blow him a kiss over the phone)

Harry: that's how u prove love

Me: so what are u goons get me from the tour

Harry: what do u want?

Me: this hot guy with curly hair called Harry

Harry: laughing I'll see what I can do sweetie I got to go luv u and I'll ttyl asap

Me: luv u baby mwah good night

Harry hangs up the phone. I felt tear come out of my eye. I finally get my guy of my dream than he has to go on a tour. I put my hand on the necklace and fell asleep.

The days passed one bye one. Today was the day I go see if I can take of my cast!

Jordy: Sam u ready?

Stephanie: yeah she is were going down the stair now.

When I got at bottom of the stair I had a feeling that was kinda weird.

Stephanie: Sam what is it ?

Me: don't know I feel weird

Jordy: it's probably nerves or your Pregnant

Me: hahaha jordy I got my period last week

We all laughed! But I still had a feeling the something was gonna happen. We went in the car and drove to the hospital.

Doctor : well ur leg isn't quite ready to be removed from the cast it may need couple of days

Me: see girls I knew something was gonna happen

Doctor: u knew that ur leg wasn't ready to be free from the cast or u knew that a guy names Harry sent u these!

The nurse came out with flowers!

The girlz we happy and laughing I bet they knew about this!

Thanks - I told the nurse

Stephanie: surprise!!

Me: girlz lol. Thanks

Doctor: Sam so come back here in a few days and we'll take the cast off

Me: ok thanks u

We left the hospital and went to My favorite place Flowers that bloom.

This place is my favorite store! This is were me and jordy first met.

We went their and the owner Liza came and greeted us.

Liza: Samantha what happened to your leg?

Me: skating accident

Liza: so what are u looking for? So jordy I got the tops u ask for.

Jordy: may I see them please

Liza hands over three beautiful tops. Jordy give me one and Stephanie one and takes one for herself.

Stephanie: thank you

Me: hopping on one foot to reach Jordy. thanks it so pretty.

The tops were all the same but the only thing that was different that on the back it had the first letter of our names and a heart and then one direction

( S <3 1D/ J<31D / S (l) 1D)

We had fun at the store then headed home!

I got a text from Harry

Hey babe spread the news Zayn got a new girlfriend!

Hey girlz Harry sent me a text that Zayn got a new girlfriend!

Really cool they replied.

Days passed. I got my cast off! But one direction was still not home.

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