All fun and games till someone gets hurt :p

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After we stopped laughing we all went inside and decided to watch a movie.

Harry: lets see a scary movie

Niall: comedy

Lou: I agree with Niall comedy

Liam looks around and says: how about we let the girls chose this time.

Jordy Stephanie and me look at each other and scream out twilight series!!

Zayn starts to laughing then the other guys start laughing too.

Stephanie: Liam what r u laughing at? U love the twilight series. On our first movie night he took me to watch new moon!

We all start laughing. I could see Liam get shy.

Me: Liam don't worry about that this boy i used to date took me to See Cinderella as a first date and he even cried !!

Liam gives me props and then we all agreed to watch eclipse.

Half an hour into the movie the guys decide to go to jordys house and watch the soccer game.

Harry: Sam can I talk u in private.

He took my arm and we went upstairs. The guys started to make funny noise and say random things! " u probably should close the Curtains this time" " Sam don't break him" and other random things.

Me: don't worry guys if ur curious I'll tape it for you. Hahaha NO NOW BYE!

Harry: Sam

Me: yes

Harry: You know that I luv u right.

Me: aww really I luv myself too.

We both laughed. He turns me around and told me to close my

I felt something cold around my neck.

Harry: now u can open ur eyes.

It was a necklace with an H on it!! I turned around and gave him a hug.

Me: thank you Harry I love's so pretty!

Harry: glad u like it.

I gave him a kiss then we headed downstairs. The guys were waiting beside the door.

Zayn: that was quick

Everybody laughs then Niall comes up to me and looks at my necklace.

Niall: Harry good choice it looks nice.

What looks nice the other were asking. Harry takes me by the waist and tells them

I gave Sam a gift it's a necklace with an H and I got this.

What did he get? I was thinking what might that be.

He takes out a chain with the letter S on it. Thats so romantic and thoughtful of him!!

Harry: now even if we weren't physically with each other we'll be with each other at heart.

He turns gives me a kiss and says goodnight. All the guys say goodnight and leave.

So girlz what do u want to do? Stephanie asked.

We can finish the movie or go get ice-cream. I suggested

Jordy: I want ice-cream it will cool us off and we can get fresh air.

We drove off to the ice- cream shop. The shop was closed!

Stephanie: aww I wanted ice cream .

Jordy: ya me too!!

Me: amm guys ur celebs go knock on the door they will probably give u ice cream for free!

Dreams do come true :)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin