DaiSuga 2

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His eyes moved toward the clock above the counter for the hundred time this hour. The people in the bowling hall kept staring sympathetically at him, but no one came up to ask if everything was okay. He didn't lose hope that the boy at school he had been in love with would show up, he was probably just late. The afternoon the day before, Sugawara had been asked out on a date to the local bowling hall, he had of course answered yes with a gleeful expression.

He felt shameful for thinking it was true. There was no way a popular boy would like him back, no way...

Someone whispered from behind his seat and it was obvious they were talking about him. He bit his lower lip, desperate to not let the tears fall.

It had been an hour and fifteen minutes since they were supposed to meet. The sound of the bowling pins and people laughing reached his ears. He let out a tires sigh. 

He slowly stood up and stared at the ground while walking toward the door. The others sitting and standing near were avoiding looking Suga in his eyes, acting oblivious. Just as he neared the outside someone touched his shoulder lightly. The white haired male looked to the side to see a slightly taller teen, probably the same age as him. It was a boy he had never seen before, dark brown hair and brown eyes. He gave Sugawara a small smile "Wait a second".

Huh?, He thought confused. 

The other people made relieved sighs, probably thinking this mysterious male was his date from the start. 

"um" Sugawara mumbled, confused. The brown haired teen leaned in and whispered "My name is Daichi Sawamura. My friends left earlier so I'm kind of alone. Let's make a deal, You'll keep me company and I'll act like your substitute date. The other person is an asshole", with a genuine smile plastered on his face. 

And that's what Sugawara did.

They both had a real fun time, teasing the other when they missed the pins and cheered excitedly when they won. The time went by too fast. Sugawara didn't care anymore that his original date stood him up, he was actually glad that he did. 

On their way home Daichi stopped when they would go separate ways. Sugawara stopped too and stared at him curiously. The dark haired teen reached for his arm and took a pen from his pocket, writing something on it. While the shorter of the two was occupied looking at his hand, Daichi pecked him on the cheek and walked away with a wave. 

He had written his number on Sugawaras arm.

A/N: Hope you liked it! Now of writing the next one, what pairing shall I use next?

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