KageHina part 1

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A/N: I have barely had time to write on this because of school and stuff. I am also currently working on a difference project, but I won't post the first chapter until I know I have everything I need for the first chapter in it, so expect another haikyuu fan fiction soon! I think this one became a little weird, but I hope it is good enough! Sorry for grammatical errors.

The small red locks fell in between the raven haired boys fingers. He untangled the lumps and dirt from the usually soft hair and groaned in frustration. This was happening too much lately. Hinata would come over late at night covered in dirt and soil, on rare occasions even having a black eye. He refused to tell Kageyama why, the only thing he would answer when asked was "don't worry about it, just help me out, please".

This went on Kageyamas nerves. He wanted to kick some sense into that idiot. On purpose he pulled some of the strands harder than the others, making the smaller boy wince.
"Hey, what did you do that for?!" Hinata shouted and looked up at the setter. They both sat in kageyamas bathroom, there were too much dirt tangled in the red heads wild hair.
"You are an idiot, you know that!" He answered with a stern tone.
The decoy pouted and looked down at his lap, he wanted to say something back, but kageyama was right.
"It looks like you have fallen into a rosebush..."
The smaller teen giggled as the words were muttered from the setters mouth. A blush formed over kageyamas nose. Hinatas laugh was like music to his ears.

"So, will you tell me?" Kageyama moved so that he stood in front of the redhead. His hands crossed in front of his chest.
The boy in front of him looked down at the floor and bit his lower lip before responding, "nothing special, you shouldn't be worried about it..."
Kageyamas brows furrowed. He clicked his tongue.  His hand moved up toward his own hair and scratched it, he was getting tired by Hinatas act.

"Can you at least tell me if it is something dangerous or not?" The setters tone turned into a worried one. He was leaning in front of Hinata to match his eye level. His fingers brushed away the strands from his forehead, revealing two coffee brown eyes that usually always smiled. Now, they looked sad. Only half open and looking downwards. His eyebrows were relaxed, making the shorter teen look tired. Now that Kageyama was inspecting the orange haired kid's face more clearly, it was apparent that he was exhausted. Two eye bags rested beneath his eyes.

Why hadn't Kageyama noticed this before? It was his job as Hinatas boyfriend to notice things like this. He was supposed to know it if something was wrong. Why didn't he notice this? The grayish color was really visible too!

He moved his hands over his boyfriends eyes and shielded them. He wanted Hinata to relax, even for a second. The redhead sticked his lower lip out and moved his hands up to grab Kageyamas.

"Dont" Was the only word the raven haired teen muttered. Hinata stopped and slightly tilted his head to the side. Beneath the setters palms a warm feeling was detectable. A reddish shade grew on the short teens face too. He was blushing.

This made Kageyama more aware of the situation. He was leaning in front of Hinata and holding over his eyes without any explanation. Their faces so close that their noses were barely touching. Their breaths intermingled. He slowly leaned closer to the spiker, his eyes closing in the process. His own cheeks heated the closer they came.

A thought jumped into Kageyamas mind. He was extremely happy. Hinata was someone he grew to love over time, he never thought that the decoy would feel the same way about him. The day he confessed to the short boy, he walked up to him and responded to his answer by kissing him on the cheek. That memory always made him smile, no matter how sad he was.

As his lips touched the other ones, time completely stilled. They were the only ones in the world, nothing else mattered. Hinata responded by tilting his head to the side and grabbing Kageyamas soft cheeks.

"Hey, are you finished ye- What the hell are you doing?" Kageyamas mother stood behind the door, her head poking out. Her mouth hung agape and her eyes wide, Hinata was scared they would plop out. Her eyebrows shot up so far they were hiding behind her short fringe.

Kageyamas blush grew as he stood up and slammed the door closed.

"Knock on the door first!" He shouted.

"Lock the door first!" She responded.

A/N: A there you have it. Here it ends. I wonder what actually happened with Hinata... hmmm... Guess we will never know ¯\_( ◉ 3 ◉ )_/¯. I hope that you enjoyed this chapter, sorry that it is so short! Any request? Don't be scared to leave a comment, I don't bite.

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