IwaOi 2

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The ace turned aggressively around on his side of the bed. The light from the moon illuminated the room that was supposed to be dark. He continued to twist and turn, but of course to no avail, he couldn't get any sleep.

Somehow it felt... empty.

He opened one eye and looked over his shoulder to catch a glimpse of the setter. Who was gone. "Tooru?" He asked the darkness. No one responded, making him sight dramatically.

'why do you have to do this every night?' Iwaizumi thought and groaned. He pushed himself off of the comfortable bed and walked toward the window. Outside was a part of the roof clearly visible. Oikawa and Iwaizumi had used it as a hideout to spy on people who walked past ever since they were young.

Iwaizumi squinted his eyes, trying to get accustomed to the dark. It was barely he could see it, a shape sitting and looking up at the stars. It was probably rather cold outside, but Iwaizumi would survive. He was only wearing a boxer though.

His shivering hands moved to the cold handle, slowly opening the window in order to not disturb the contemplating teen. His bare knees moved up to the window sill and he pushed himself upwards to go out into the dark night, filled with shimmering stars that worked with the moon to illuminate the darkness. The wind caught Oikawa's hair, making the brown strands dance around.
Iwaizumi moved his heavy gaze when he realized that he was staring and instead decided to place himself beside the setter.
The roof was cold and moist, but he ignored it. Oikawa was wearing his alien pajamas, his eyes stared longingly toward the moon.

Iwaizumi sighed and pressed his knees up toward his chest, his chin resting on top while his gaze returned toward the setter like a magnet. A pinkish blush tainted his sun kissed cheeks.

"Hey, Iwa-chan. Do you believe that the aliens will visit us while we are still alive?" The other teen muttered without tearing away his gaze from the white ball.
Iwaizumi and Oikawa often had conversations like these, always Oikawa initiating it.
"I'm not sure" Iwaizumi slowly replied, begging inside that they would go in so that he wouldn't freeze to death.

"I sure hope they will, one day soon..."

It had become a habit, whenever Oikawa and Iwaizumi stayed the night in the others house, Oikawa would wake up in the middle of the night and sit on the roof while Iwaizumi would later come out to drag him back inside.
Iwaizumi didn't complain though. People rarely saw him in a fragile state, so the ace liked to know that he was the only one who saw Oikawa like this.

The green eyed male lifted his hand slowly and moved it to his boyfriend's cheek, angling the alien fanatics face toward his own. Oikawa looked slightly surprised at first, but smiled a warm smile afterwards.
Their heads moved toward each others and their foreheads touched.
Oikawas hands were on the roof, making sure he wouldn't glide off and fall down.
Iwaizumi rubbed his nose together with Oikawas, smiling a soft smile he only showed the alien obsessed male.
The so called alien fanatic rubbed his nose back in return, but stopped when Iwaizumi leaned back.

"An Eskimo kiss, huh? Mr. Tomato?" Oikawa teased with a smirk.
"Shut up, you were blushing too" Iwaizumi retorted.
He stared intensely at Oikawa, waiting for him to get his ass back inside.
He only hummed on a song, but grew uncomfortable with the stare so he stopped almost immediately.
"fine!" He sighed, "I'll go back to bed right now".

And so they both walked inside careful not to slip on the wet roof.
"You should be careful Iwa-chan. Someone may sue you for being in public wearing that little"
"Shut up, Trashykawa"

A/N: I have birthday today so I wanted to post more than one chapters today, hope you enjoy them :)

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