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A/N: School has resumed, so I won't be able to write much, but I will try! This chapter was enjoyable to write, but I don't personally think it ended well as a finished result. I hope you like it though!!

Warning: This chapter doesn't involve sexual intercourse, but it is hinted!

The clock above the door slowly ticked in a steady rhythm. The seconds felt like minutes, the minutes felt like hours. He slowly breathed in and out while shivering. It was rather cold outside and the heater didn't work well. He leaned forward on his toes and adjusted the star shining on top of the christmas tree. With a satisfied smile he took two steps back and looked at the beautiful creation in front of his eyes. He had really outdone himself this time, spending more time than ever with the green tree. The brown wood wall behind it only made everything better. 

A cracking sound came from behind him, making him turn around in curiosity. Iwaizumi leaned his head down and walked inside the small cottage. The door was very small so you would pound your head in the door frame if you didn't lean down. Oikawa found this very cute. 

In his hands he carried some wood fuel to put on the fire... that Oikawa had forgotten to light. 

"Idiot, didnt I tell you to fire it?" The shorter boy said in a stern tone and shock his head. He walked toward the fireplace in the corner and lit it with some wood and a few newspapers. 

"I thought you meant the heater, sorry Iwa-chan!" Oikawa apologized while holding his palms together. He wore a childish grin which made the spiker blush. 

"well, it doesn't matter now. I see you have decorated the christmas tree?" Iwaizumi stood up and eyed the green object up and down, a genuine smile plastered across his small lips. 

Iwaizumi had begged his parents to let him and Oikawa stay at his cottage for christmas, and after a month of asking every morning and night, he was allowed to. Tomorrow was christmas eve and it was the first time they had ever celebrated it together alone, either his or Oikawas parents were always there. 

From the corners of his eyes he saw something foggy in the air. He moved his gaze toward Oikawa and saw him move his hands back and forth together. His breath was white and misty. A small red tone was detectable on his soft cheeks. 

Iwaizumi moved toward Oikawa and softly grabbed his hands. He held both of them in his palms and moved them up to his mouth, blowing warm air into some of the spaces between his fingers in order to heat up his boyfriends shivering hands. While doing this his gaze moved up toward the startled teen. Iwaizumi didn't know if the redness on the setters face was because of the cold or the act, but he hoped it was the later. 

After he thought his hands were warm enough he stretched Oikawas palms open and left kisses around. He trailed them upwards, earning a giggle from the captain. 

"Iwa-chan, that tickles!" Oikawa bit his lip to stifle the giggle escaping from his mouth, something that in Iwaizumis eyes only added to his charm. The shorter out of the two continued trailing kisses up the others arm, when he reached his neck he assaulted the skin with kisses. When Oikawa was distracted the so called Iwa-chan moved his hand toward the others stomach and pushed him down onto the wooden floor, tickling the life out of the poor teen. 

"Haha!! Stop Iwa-chan! ple-please I am dying here!" The volleyball captain laughed between the words, he was completely powerless beneath his childhood friends grip. Iwaizumi took a pause to let the alien obsessed boy breath, but Oikawa grabbed this chance and crawled as fast as he could toward the door. The second his hand was on the door handle, his right foot was grabbed. The brunette looked over his shoulder to see his boyfriend crawl on top of him and pushing him toward the door. He turned him around so that they were facing each other and grabbed his shoulders. 

Iwaizumi stilled though when he saw Oikawa grin with a mischievous expression. When the now confused boy rose an eyebrow, the captain jerked his head upwards. Iwa-chan looked up and saw a mistletoe hang on top of the door. He sighed.

"You planned this, didn't you...?" He said with a monotone tone. He was far to used to Oikawas tricks to be surprised. Oikawas hands moved up to cup Iwaizumis cheek. His hands were warmer now than before, so that was a relief. Oikawas thumb dragged up and down the other males cheek, earning a powerful blush in return.

Oikawa then leaned in further while slowly closing his brown eyes. When their lips came in contact with each other, Iwaizumi moved his hand up behind Oikawas hair, brushing the brown strands with his fingers. 

Oikawas right hand moved down the other teens back, pulling him closer. He wanted to be even closer to him, but the thick wool hoodies separated them from direct contact. 

As their innocent kiss progressed to something more, Iwaizumi had crawled into Oikawas lap. His right hand was at the hem of the hoodie in attempt to pull it off of him, but got interrupted when Oikawa suddenly fell back.

Iwaizumi slowly moved his gaze upwards and saw his mom stand outside with the door open. Oikawa looked at her with his head dangling above the snow. 

The setter then smiled with teeth showing and waved toward the flabbergasted woman. Their position was kind of awkward, since Iwaizumi was positioned on his lap and Oikawa had a few lovebites on his arm. 

"I came to give you extra food... but it seems you boys are hungry for something else so I will come back tomorrow"And with that she left the two blushing boys, who was too embarrassed to even continue. Never again did they make out while leaning on the entry door. 

A/N: This one feels very different from the others, I hope it was acceptable though. I hope you liked it and I am terribly sorry if you detected any grammar mistakes. I am currently working on multiple stories and projects, so I am sorry if I post a little slow. Please comment on how you felt about this story, I much appreciate it. See u next time (/^▽^)/

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