Akaashi x (Female)Reader

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A/N: Once again another angst-ish story. I am bad at it, but when I wrote this it just escalated toward a sadder direction than what was intentional. I also wrote something I have never ever written before, a second point of view story. I love to read character x reader stories (I never imagine myself in them though, I imagine a made up character every time). I really wanted to try writing in this way, so here is one. And sorry for the late update. 

if you are not used to reading this way, then these are the ones I used: (H/L) : Hair length, (L/N): Last name, (F/N): First name, (E/C): Eye color. 

Your (H/L) hair blew in the cold wind as you turned around facing the love of your life. He stood in front of you completely nonchalant. You bit your lower lip and looked down at your toes. The nerves were sneaking up on you. Your shoulders shock slightly as you breathed in heavily. This was the day. You had planed for three weeks now that you would confess to him after this game. Akaashi had been looking forward to it, so you didn't want to distract him and decided to confess when he had calmed his nerves down. 

He raised and eyebrow when you hadn't said anything. 

"(L/N)-chan, are you okay? You seem kind of out of it..." Akaashi moved his hand up toward your cheek, tilting it upward to get a better view of your face. Your face warmed and a reddish tone tinted your soft cheeks. You stared right into his entrancing eyes. Starting to feel weak in the knees, you looked away from him. When he finally caught on the situation he retrieved his hand and scratched the back of his neck, a faint blush visible above his nose. 

"I-I am sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"Akaashi-kun!" Someone interrupted him from behind you. You looked over your shoulder and saw a short girl with brown hair running toward your direction. When she arrived she bowed her head down and gave the male a letter. 

"I... I really like you, Akashi-Kun! Please take my confession into consideration!" She practically screamed, making you lean away in fear of your ears safety. The girl finally noticed you and slowly looked toward where you stood. 

"Oh, its just you (L/N)-san... Do you think you could leave us alone for a few minutes...?" It was more of a command than a request, but you smiled toward her and nodded your head anyways, hiding the fact that you were slowly killing her in your head. 

Akaashi said something to you as you left, but you chose to ignore it because of the desperate girl in front of him. You didn't like her, but still thought it would be best for Akaashi to properly hear her out.


Your fingers trailed around the rim of your cup. The content inside gone. Your friend sat in front of you on her chair facing your way. She leaned her stomach toward the back of the chair and grinned with teeth showing. 

"You confessed, didn't you? What did he say? How did he react?" Your friend bombarded you with questions and leaned back and forth. She had way to much energy. 

You didn't answer her and continued solving the math problem instead. You could feel her bore holes on your forehead with her gaze. 

"Don't tell me... you bailed didn't ya'" 

You slowly looked up at her and gave her a lopsided smile, making her sigh and groan in frustration. 

"You don't understand, it was a mission fail. I had to retreat!" You exclaimed and raised your hands up, trying to convince her with hand motions. It didn't help, she literally looked at you like you were the most idiotic thing ever existing on earth. She stood up and walked out of the classroom, no more words, she was apparently done with your bullshit.

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