Chapter 17

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Alice P.O.V.

I turned my limp body to the side and fell down on something hard. Which is a floor I guess. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a dark red carpet, a night table not to far away and a bunch of alcohol bottles.

What the hell happened last night?

Just as I was about to stand up I felt like someone just threw a brick into my head. Stupid hangover, why me? Why do human need to have hangovers? Why can we just all be happy and love each other? And WHY THE FUCK AM I NAKED? I looked down at my body and I wore literally nothing.

I crawled my way towards a black dress shirt and smelled it. It smelled like Max, cologne and alcohol. We were definitely drunk last night. I looked to my left and saw a blue condom packet.


Oh well, at least we weren't that drunk. He remembered to use protection. I knew I wouldn't. I looked up and saw a bed. And I slowly got up I saw Max laying down with him holding the pillow that I guess I slept on.

The small white thinned blanket covered his torso. Hot.

I walked towards the bathroom wearing Maxes shirt I turned on the fossit and put some water on my face. 

"Morning." Max said walking towards the second sink and washing his face.

"Morning.  What happened last night?" I asked.


"No really Max? Are you sure it wasn't Hanukah?" I said with sarcasm.

"I don't know. Was it?" he laughed.

He is obviously still drunk a little bit.  "I will go make some coffee. You want some?" he asked walking past me and tapping me on my butt.

"Sure and get me some pills from this headache."

He nodded and walked towards the small kitchen that the hotel room provided.


"Alice come get your coffee!" Max yelled.

I walked towards the small kitchen and sat at the table that Max was sitting at already. I took the 2 Tylenol pills an felt my headache get better.

"Oh that's a pretty ring you got there. I haven't seen it before. Where did you get it?"

"What?" I asked confused.

"Look." He pointed towards me left hand.

I looked at my hand and saw a silver ring with a beautiful purple stone on it. "U-um I don't know."

"Its beautiful." he said holding my hand in his. "Oh look you have just like mine on your hand just without the stone." I said confused.

"Oh that's weird. And its on the marriage finger."

I gasped, "no no no no no no." I ran towards the bedroom and grabbed my phone dialing Demi.

"Hello." said her chirpy voice.

"Demi what happened last night?"

"Oh you're so funny and silly Alice. You got married to Max what else?"

 I hung up the phone and my eyes widened and the only think that I couldn't of think of is scream.

Max ran into the room, "Babe what happened?"

"W-we, ye-s-terday got m-married." I said with tears pouring out of my eyes.


"WE ARE MARRIED!" I screamed. I ran towards the table and saw our marriage papers and broke down even harder.

"Alice baby, its ok we will fix it alright. No one will know." he said holding me into his arms.

"Wait, y-you regret this?"

"No, of course not. I would marry you in a heartbeat." he said kissing my cheek.

"Then why do you want to divorce?"

"Well, isn't that why you're crying?' he said scrunching his eyebrows.

"Well, no. I'm crying because I don't remember yesterday."

He smirked, "Not even last night when you screamed my name?"

I smiled whipping away my tears, "No, but I do remember you screaming my name."

He chuckled and kissed my lips. I kissed him back and wrapped my legs around his body.

"So we're staying together?" he asked through his kisses.

"I guess we are babe."

He smiled and continued to kiss me.

Thank you for reading.

I knew that you didn't think that I'll upate. We have a couple of chapters left 2-3 I think.


<3 Annie

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