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Sorry for being MIA lately but I've been suuuppppeeeerrrrr uninspired! 🙈


Credit to: LouTommo11

Ashton: "Ash are we out of Nutella?" You called from your shared kitchen, grabbing some bread. Clomping footsteps sounded through the hall and suddenly a shadow fell over your shoulder.
"Yes. We are. I used it as an experiment." He said softly, scratching his head. You groaned and set the bread down.
"But we just got it. I just wanted some toast with Nutella-y goodness. Dammit." He gave you a sheepish smile and put his hands behind his back.
"Sorry Y/N."
"What experiment did you even use it for?" You questioned. Ashton tried to avoid your eyes but you just tapped your foot. "You gonna tell me?"
He coughed, speaking something that sounded like 'Luke's funderbare.' You raised an eyebrow and blinked.
"Sorry what was that?"
He sighed and looked you in the eye.
"Michael came over and we wanted to see what would happen if we put Nutella in Luke's underwear. We found out that it sticks. And it takes a long time to get off." He explained, keeping a completely straight face.
You took it in and considered it for a moment before you giggled.
"Poor Luke. Didn't see it coming."
Ashton grinned and ruffled your hair softly.
"I knew you'd enjoy that. But I actually need some help."
You looked at him and shrugged.
"Sure. What do you need?"
"Ok. When you said needed help with Michael, I didn't think you meant this." You spoke, staring at the half naked Michael stuck to Luke's rear end. "How did this even happen?"
"Luke sat on me." Michael grumbled and tried to push the lanky blonde off. Luke smiled victoriously and shook his butt against Michael's bare chest. Dear lord.
"Why do you need my help? It seems like Luke's content with his new home." You commented, earning a snicker from Ashton. Michael glared and flipped you off.
"Or we could just go grocery shopping and leave these two idiots to figure it out." Ashton suggested, making you smile.
"I like that plan better."
"No guys! Don't leave me here like this!" Michael pleaded, "He's crushing my will to live!"
"Should've thought of that before you filled my underwear with Nutella." Luke fought back.
"We could also go to a movie. And dinner. And a lot more places." Ashton mumbled, making you laugh.

Luke: "Ugh! Y/N you are the worst roommate ever!" Luke yelled from the laundry room. You cackled and continued to watch American Horror Story.
"You lost the bet Luke. You gotta do all of the laundry. It's not my fault you suck at betting." You propped your feet up on the ottoman and relaxed, digging into a bag of Doritos.
"How was I supposed to know that Blue was a girl? Blue's Clues is such a weird show anyway." He muttered, carrying a full laundry basket up the stairs.
"Magenta is the boy dog. They broke the gender role thing of blue being a boy color." You snacked on a Dorito. Luke dropped the basket with a loud thump to the floor.
"Well it's still confusing."
"Whatever you say Luke. Get to folding. I think I'm gonna order pizza."
He glared at you and sat down angrily, picking up a pair of your pajama bottoms.
"I will get you back Y/L/N. You can count on that." He threatened playfully.
"Uh huh. Make sure the socks are the same before you put them together."
"Ew. Girl underwear." He wrinkled his nose and flung the lacy garment across the room. You both looked at each other.
"Yes! I hit the lamp!" You yelled, watching your black underwear bounce off the lampshade.
"Well I hit the curtains." Luke pouted, taking another pair of your underwear in his hands.
"Ok I bet you can't hit the front door from here." You challenged and he raised his eyebrows.
"If I win?" He asked.
"If you hit it, I'll clean the dishes. If you lose, you clean the dishes." You suggested.
"Sounds fair. Get ready to scrub-a-dub-dub!" He shouted, slinging the pair of white underwear towards the door. It bounced off the coat hanger and landed on the floor just in front of the door.
"Son of a-!"

Calum: "Ok. I'm not doing Naked Wednesdays." You argued, seeing the sad look on his face.
"Why not? We'd instantly be closer." Calum fought back.
"Because I'm not going to walk around the place naked!" You squeaked, crossing your arms.
"Fine. No Naked Wednesdays. What about Commando Mondays?" He suggested, making you roll your eyes.
"I should've looked harder for a better roommate." You muttered.
"I'm kidding Y/N. Geez. I just wanted to lighten things up a bit. I didn't really want to do that." He said seriously, looking in your eyes.
"Oh." You felt your cheeks get hot and you fidgeted with your hands.
"C'mon. I'll help you get the rest of your boxes out of the car." He offered, opening the door.
"Damn. You have a lot of boxes." Calum pants, setting down the last box. You were too busy watching his arms that you didn't hear a word he said.
He smirked and crossed his arms across his chest.
"Those Naked Wednesdays are looking pretty good now aren't they?" He teased. You lightly hit his arm.
"Don't be a butt."
He laughed and went back to a crinkly smiled cutie.
"Sorry babe. I won't do that anymore." He chuckles.
"Don't call me babe." You mumbled, embarrassed and flushed. He grinned and handed you a box cutter.
"Alright Y/N. You start unpacking and I'll order some dinner. Come on out when you're ready."
You didn't think you'd ever be ready.

Michael: "Are you kidding me?" You rubbed your temple, talking with the landlord of your apartment. Michael looked up at you from his plate and raised an eyebrow.
"Fine. I'll find somewhere else for a week or two. Thanks." You set down your phone and sighed.
"What's up Y/N?" Mike asks, concerned.
"Apparently my apartment flooded and I can't go back until they fix the broken pipe. So now I gotta find another place to live for a week." You ran your fingers through your hair and sighed.
"Y/N did you forget who your best friend was?" Michael questioned, tugging on your shirt sleeve.
You looked at him confused.
"You are. But what does that have to do with my apartment?" You wondered.
He smiled and poked your cheek.
"You can come live with me until everything's sorted out. It'll be perfect." He suggested.
"Michael, that's sweet, but I don't want to inconvenience you." He held up a hand and stopped you there.
"You won't inconvenience me. I'd always help you love. We're best friends. I'd never let you go homeless for a week. So please. Come stay with me." You looked in his eyes and saw that he was being completely serious.
"Ok. Thank you Michael."
"So this is my place. The kitchen is to the right, and the living room is just through this hallway." Michael spoke like a tour guide.
"Michael I've been in your place before. I know where everything is."
"And over here is where I keep all of my guitar strings." He kept going.
"Mike. Do you want me to bite you?" You threatened. He turned to face you and gave you a friendly smirk.
"Where would you bite?" He waggled his eyebrows.
"Your dignity. Now shush." You challenged and he laughed.
"Ok no more. I'd rather not get bitten. So do you want the couch, or my room? I'd be happy to sleep on the couch." He offered, turning into the best friend he's always been. You smiled.
"I can take the couch Mike. I don't want to take your room."
"We could always share my room. It gets cold. We could use each other for warmth." He says softly, teasing you.
"Eh. I'm used to the cold. My heart is made of it."
"Touché Y/N. Touché."

(Awwh. Can I be roommates with all of them please? My place is pretty small but I can fit Michael in the closet. Ash could fit under the bed. Calum can have the balcony to himself. But it looks like the only place for Luke is my bed. Bummer.)

I get under the bed? I'm not Wilt from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. -Ashton

I don't want to take the bed. That would be unfair. -Luke

She means next to her dork. -Calum

Oh. -Luke

Sounds wonderful right? -Michael

*coughs and sneezes* C'mere Lukey! I need some warmth! -Kenzie

What's that mum? Come home? Ok! Sorry guys! Gotta go! -Luke

Knew it. -Ashton

Can I trade my roommate from Kenzie to Y/N? -Calum

Yeah me too? -Michael

Count me in. -Ashton

Fine. Then I'll share my bed with my bag of Doritos. I don't need a boy. -Kenzie

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