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Pleaseeeeee read authors note at the end pretty pretty please

*Kaia's point of view*

~Two years later~

The crowd was so loud.

My breath caught in my throat as I listened to the fans screaming. The music had just ended and the screams were louder than before. I smiled to myself, I was so proud of my boys.

Josh came around to the side of the stage, engulfing me in a sweaty hug. He let go and smiled down at me.

Next Ian walked by and handed Josh a water bottle before heading for the tour bus with Mike right behind him.

I felt Matt's arms slip around my waist and I sunk into him for a moment. 

It was 2013. Marianas Trench had just finished one of their biggest tours. 

2 whole years of Matt. Of Josh. Of the boys who changed my life.

A small hand reached for mine. I looked down and smiled at my almost 2 year old son. Matt and I both really liked the name Jack.

Exactly one year later, Matt proposed. And like i had promised, I said yes. And I had been smiling ever since.

Dana left for Surrey a week after I told her I was pregnant. I hadn't heard from her since, neither had Josh. But he was okay. He never seemed hurt or upset. And he was still fine.

I was fine too. We were all happy with our group of friends.

Jack tugged at my hand, I turned to look at Matt. He placed his hands on my stomach and smiled my favourite smile in the whole world.

Now that I was pregnant for the third time, I wasn't too scared. I was ready, knowing I had such wonderful people bringing her into the world.

"Ready to go home?" he asked me. I smiled and nodded. I was ready. For once, I was ready for whatever might be ahead.



It's a kind of stupid cheesy ending but I thought it was cute so SUE ME.

So yes I'm sorry I didn't update when I said I would but I got a new laptop and I had to sort that out but yeah.

It's all done.

I did like this story, although it was a really cheesy fillerish write as you go along kind of story. And obviously you guys liked it because I have almost 750 reads (thanks guys <3)

I have plans for an All Time Low fan fiction, and I'm really excited about it. Buuut  I had the whole thing written out on my old laptop which I don't have anymore so I don't have anything to go on because all of my notes and references are on my laptop that I can't access. And it stinks.

I'm going to write this story. But it's going to be a while until I start. So I wanted to make sure all of you know I'm going to be taking a few month long break and then I'll be back with a new fan fiction and maybe new original story and it is going to be fantastic!!!

Okay so Merry Christmas, happy holidays, I love you and now I'm going to go cry over Doctor Who because Matt Smith is leaving and I am very heartbroken. Bye lovelies <3333

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