Chapter Sixteen

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I wrote this last weekend and I don't really remember what I wrote about but it's pretty much a cutesy filler (aka I wanted to write something so I can get this story over with). Next chapter is the last official actual chapter and then epilogue :)

Dedicated to the lovely Kaitlyn (aka Kingdomcomexx). Remember when I made you make an account to read my story and now all together you have over 5000 reads on your stories and fan fictions? I'm so proud of you hun <3

*Matt's point of view*

It was November, the day before Ever After was released. Instead of being at the studio early like Josh had asked me to, I was sitting in the parking lot behind an old college building, waiting for Kaia to be done with her interview.

It had been a good few weeks. Kind of awkward, ever since the proposal, but things were looking up. 

But I was starting to get worried about Kaia again. She was being really hard on herself. I was waiting for her to explode, have a breakdown. I kept watching for it. I knew it was going to happen.

Finally I saw her walking across the pavement towards the car. She gave a little wave, smiling brightly. Her long brown hair that she had pinned back tightly an hour ago was already beginning to fall out.

"Hello, gorgeous" I said to her. She closed the door behind her and acted like I hadn't said anything.

"I think it went well" she told me. She quickly took off her black wedges and propped her feet up on the dashboard, letting out a sigh. I watched her for a moment before starting the car. 

"You need to go anywhere before we head home?" I asked. Before she could respond my phone started to ring. I knew who it was before I picked up.

"Hi, asshole" I said once I answered the phone. I could picture Josh rolling his eyes.

"Very funny, dickhead. Where the hell are you? I sent you a reminder to be at the studio two hours ago."

"Kaia had an interview, I thought I would drive her over. Problem?"

"Bro's before ho's!" I heard Ian shout in the background. I figured Josh was rolling his eyes again.

"Can you come over like, right now? We need to finish this, we have less than a day until the deadline."

"I have to drop Kaia off..." I looked over to her, who shook her head. "Kay, never mind. I'll see you soon. And stop putting our conversations on speakerphone."


We got to Josh's studio in a few minutes. When we arrived, they were recording drums for the final song so Ian couldn't make any smart ass comments. Kaia waved to Josh and Mike then sat down in against the wall, being as quiet as she could.

Sure enough, we were working until the deadline. The huge mash up at the end of the record was finished with just minutes to spare. It was one in the morning by the time we left the studio.

Kaia stayed out of the way all day. She didn't say much, just sat down and watched us work. At one point she drifted off, and we had to wake her for dinner. In the car driving home, she was silent as well.

"I'm gonna take a quick shower" I told her as I headed towards the bathroom. She nodded and hung her jacket up. She was acting weird,  but I didn't want to say anything.

When I got out of the shower, Kaia was standing in front of the mirror in a tank top and shorts. She wasn't saying anything still.

"So, we're going to start a tour soon. Couple of shows, some interviews. It'll be fun being on the road for a little bit. And you'll be coming, which will be cool."

She still didn't say a word.

"Okay, Kaia, you're starting to worry me. You haven't said anything really all day."

She sighed, "I'm fat" was all she said in a quiet voice.

"Kaia, you're not fat."

She turned away from the mirror to look at me. "Yes I am. I'm fat. Look at me."

Now it was my turn to sigh. "Kaia, hun, you are not fat."

"Yes I am!" she yelled. "I'm fat! Stop lying to me, please. I'm fat. And I'm ugly. Stop telling me I'm not. Stop telling me all these things that aren't true. Stop saying I'm gorgeous and all that bullshit. I'm none of it! And don't you dare call me perfect. I am not perfect, and I never will be."

I stood in shock for a minute. Sometimes she had breakdowns, but they were never like this. They were normally smaller, they weren't this bad.

I slowly walked towards her and wrapped my arms around her waist, resting my chin on her head.

"I know you're not perfect, Kaia" I said to her. She looked up, breathing beginning to return to normal.

"I like all of your imperfections. I like your loud laugh, and the fact that you snore. I like all those little things that you hate about yourself. I like your curly, frizzy hair. I like your off-key singing. I think that all those things you think are bullshit are true. Nothing is going to change that."

She rested her head back on my chest. "I'm sorry." she said into my shirt.

"You don't have to be sorry" I told her. "Just tell me you love me, and then we can go to bed."

Sorry for the really weird ending....

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