Chapter Two

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*Matt's point of view*

We were driving home from bowling in Mike's car. When we reached my apartment I got out of the car and leaned against the open window of the passenger seat. Josh was still rubbing his cheek.

"Are you going to be able to help me move tomorrow Mr. Dramatic?" I asked him. He rolled his eyes and nodded, then added smugly; "We'll have to be done before 3 though, I have a date."

"You tied up the girl from the bowling alley and stuffed her in Mike's trunk? High five!"

Josh turned around and glared at Ian in the back seat. "Shut up, Ian! I have an actual date, her name Dana."

I rolled my eyes. "As if that girl would go out with him after he was such an ass to her."

Ian laughed from the back seat. "He's an ass all the time."

"I thought I told you to shut up, Ian."

I turned away from the car laughing. "Bye you guys, bye Miss. Ramsay." 

I could feel him shooting daggers at my back as I walked towards the apartment.


"That's marked fragile for a reason, Josh!"

Josh poked his head out from the pile of boxes in the bed of my truck, smiling like crazy.

"Hey Mike, catch!"

"That's my TV, asshole!"

He grinned again, jumping down and grabbing a box, walking towards the apartment building.

"Are you sure he's 25?"

Mike laughed. "C'mon, I'll help you with the mattress."


Around 3, we had completely unpacked and organized my new apartment. Josh had left at 1:30 to get ready for his date, leaving all the hard work for Mike and I.

"I'm starving," I said as the credits for Spider man rolled. I got up and made my way to the kitchen, picking up my phone. "You want me to order a pizza, Kaia?"


"What did you just call me?" Mike demanded, making his way to the kitchen.

I scratched the back of my neck. "Not sure, so how about that pizza?'

"You called me Kaia?"

I shrugged; "there's a possibility."

He smirked; "you're in love with the girl from the bowling alley! Josh is going to love this."

I chased after him as he ran for my phone. "I am not in love with her! I hardly know her!"

Mike turned around, eyebrows arched. "But you like her?"

I nodded slightly; "I guess. I mean, I think I do. She's a stranger, how could I have feelings for a stranger?"

The truth was, I had been thinking about her non-stop since the bowling alley. For some reason, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't forget about her.

He walked over to the counter, picking up the keys to my truck. "You won't know unless you try, right?"


This was a bad idea.

I shouldn't have come here.

I stand outside the bowling alley as another minute passes, the sky getting darker and darker. A young couple walks out, hand in hand. What am I going to do?

After a few more moments of standing outside, I pushed open the doors and walked in. It was surprisingly empty for a Sunday afternoon. I made my way towards the counter where Josh had gotten our shoes from last night. I stood there for a few seconds, looking for a bell to ring. Slowly I leaned over the counter and heard a scream.

"I'm sorry!" I yelled, backing away from the counter. "I didn't mean to scare you!"

Kaia looked over at me, green eyes shining. She let out a laugh and turned to a door behind the counter, gesturing for me to follow.

"It's fine, really. You didn't actually scare me; you see, I like screaming. It's one of my many hobbies."

I laughed, holding the door open as she got her stuff together.

"What are some of your other hobbies?" I asked.

She shrugged, throwing her long hair up in a ponytail. "Painting, baking." She smirked; "working at a job I hate for shitty pay." 

I laughed again, this time following her out of the bowling alley.

"What are you dong here anyways?" she asked as she walked towards the parking lot.

"Thought I would come say hi."

"You don't even know me."

"I know."

"Want to see a movie tomorrow?"

What just happened there?


Why am I agreeing?!

She smiled, unlocking what I was guessing was her car. She grabbed an old napkin from the glove box and a pen, quickly scribbling a number on it.

"See you tomorrow, Matt."

Well, I guess that went well.

Do you like it?

Sorry it's kind of short compared to the last chapter. I'm pretty happy I already have over 10 reads on the prologue!!!

I don't know why I always have Matt drive a truck, I'm not even sure of what his actual car is so...

Also, I just started admining a Marianas Trench page on Facebook with my fabulous friend Kailtyn who's currently writing an amazing Marianas Trench fanfiction! Her name is Kingdomcomexx if you want to check her out and the page is I'm A Trencher; Forever And Always if you want to give it a like.

Vote and Comment please :)

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