Chapter Six

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Hopefully I'm updating quick enough?

*Matt's point of view*

She's so close.

I've been waiting for this for a month. But should I make a move? Maybe she doesn't mean to be so close. She probably doesn't feel the same way. I think about pulling away when she leans in and presses her lips to mine. A gentle kiss; I move my arms around her waist, pulling her closer to me. Her one hand moves to the back of my neck. When I pull away, Kaia smiles.


She looks down, hand still on my neck. When she glanced back up, her cheeks were pink.

"I think I was wanting to do that for a while and I just didn't realize it until now."

Around 5, we were laying on the couch, flipping through tv channels.

"So what do you want to do tonight" Kaia asked me as she stretched her legs to rest on my lap. I shrugged, tracing circles on her leg with my finger.

"I guess just hang out here. Are you sleeping over?"

She nodded, standing up. "Just let me call Taylor and let her know. She'll probably be out with Jared. Maybe we could bake or something?"

I nod, siting up on the couch. She reached over to the table at the end of the couch for her phone, typing into the phone.

"Hey Tay, just calling to let you know I'm staying at Matt's tonight. Call me if you need anything." She smirked, then added: "Oh, and to answer your question; he's an amazing kisser."


 "Your kitchen is a complete mess, Matt."

I smiled, throwing the bowl I had been cleaning in the sink.  "This cake better be amazing or you're in trouble."

Kaia raised her arms up in the air. "Ooh, I'm scared," she said sarcastically as she laughed.

I pretended to flex, making her laugh harder. My phone starts ringing.

"It's Josh," I say before answering it.


"Hey, Matt. Can Dana and I come over?"

"Uh, now's not a good-"

"Thanks we're already outside."

He hung up and I groaned, pressing my hand to my forehead.

"Josh?" Kaia asked, sitting on the counter beside me.

I nodded. "How did you know?"

She smirked. "Only Josh could make someone stressed through a 20 second phone call."

I laughed and heard the door open, then footsteps come down the hall.

"Will you ever learn to knock?" I called. Kaia giggled and stood up, standing behind me. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and I could feel her warm breath on my neck

Josh came around the corner, arm around a girls shoulder. She was shorter than Kaia, with white blond hair that barley reached her shoulders. 

"Probably not. Maybe I'll just get my own key made."

I rubbed my temple. "It's official, I have to move again."

Josh rolled his eyes, pointing a finger to the blond. "Kaia, Matt; this is-"


We all turned to Kaia now standing beside me. 

Dana mumbled something under her breath. "Kaia?"

The two girls embraced. I stood beside Josh, not sure what to do.

"So," Josh started, leaning against me. "You and Kaia still, 'not gonna happen'?"

Okay, I have bad and good to news.

Bad is; I have a terrible case of writers block. I can't write anything right now and it's really frustrating because I want to get the next chapter written for you guys! I feel bad because this was such a short update but it's all I have in me right now.

This is kind of good news because once I'm able to write chapter seven, I'll hopefully have so many ideas I'll have multiple updates ready for you guys. I'm also expecting a very long chapter.. be prepared.

Vote/Comment and pray that you will see an update soon. I know I am

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