Chapter Twelve

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I've been dreading posting this chapter..

Just remember I promised a happy ending, and a happy ending you will get, okay?

*Matt's point of view*

June 21st. The day everything got flipped upside down.

I guess that's kind of an over reaction. It wasn't that big, compared to everything else that had happened, but it did really change everything. 

My life took a turn for the worse, a week before the ep release. Everything was ready, we were all settled and happy. Kaia was pregnant, but we were going to make it work. 

That morning I had woken up and made myself some breakfast, took a shower, and after getting dressed, made my way to the studio. Kaia and Dana came by and we all went out for lunch, and I got home around 8 or 9 with dinner. Kaia was already asleep when I got home so instead of waking her I ate by myself and went to bed. Sometime in the early morning, I woke up.

Stretching my arm out to the other side of the bed, I realized I was alone. I saw a light coming from the bathroom door and thought I must have gotten up when Kaia did. It was only 5 am, so I stayed in bed and waited for her.

That's when I figured something was wrong.

Looking over at the side of the bed, I noticed a mark on the bed sheets. Reaching to turn on the lamp beside the bed, I glanced back over and suddenly felt nauseous. There was a small puddle of blood staining the sheets where Kaia had been sleeping.

"Kaia? Are you okay?" I asked, feeling very sick. Had she hurt herself again? She had to, there was nothing else that could have happened.

"I'm fine! Everything's fine! Just go back to bed, I'll be there in a minute," she replied. Her voice sounded shaky, as if she had been crying. 

"What's going on Kaia? Why is there blood on the bed?" 

The bathroom door opened slowly and Kaia shuffled out, sniffling a bit. 

"Do you really want to know?" she asked as she wiped her face. I looked at her, studying her face. She was wearing one of my old band shirts as pajamas and it reached past her knees. Her long brown curls were a tangled mess around her face, and her eyes were red and puffy. 

"Of course I do," I said after a moment had passed. She sniffled again and began fidgeting, something she did when she was nervous. 

"Well, I, uh..." she stuttered. Something else she did when she was nervous. I got out of bed and wrapped my arms around her waist, holding her close for a moment. When I pulled away, she wiped her face once more on her arm.

"I got my period, Matt."


I woke up in the hospital. The waiting room, not a bed. We had been here all morning, it was nearly 10 am. Almost 5 hours she had been in there, and I still had no idea what was going on. All I had been told was that she would go home today, if everything went right. And her room number.

When we got to the hospital and they wheeled Kaia away without telling me anything, I immediately called Josh. He was the only person who knew besides Dana and I, and I needed the support.

Now I was lying on an uncomfortable hospital bench, the news playing quietly on the TV in the corner. Nobody else was in the waiting room, Josh had gone to the bathroom a minute ago. Eventually I couldn't take the quiet anymore and wandered off, Josh would be fine on his own for a bit.

I made my way down a silent hallway, passing a few nurses who gave me sad, sympathetic smiles as I passed. They must have known how I was feeling. A loved one somewhere in the hospital, and I had no idea what was going on.

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