Chapter Three

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Hey, hey Alex. The chapter is longer than I thought. Enjoy!!!

*Kaia's point of view*

I made my way to the kitchen in the morning, combing my fingers through my tangled bed hair. Sitting at the kitchen table picking at a muffin was a sleepy Taylor. I walked past her smiling, checking the fridge for breakfast.

"There's nothing to eat in here!"

"I know, that's why I went to Timmies."

I turn back to the counter, looking at the selection of food. I grab a donut and sit down at the table.

"You might want to check your phone, it's been going off non-stop."

I look up, reaching across the table for my phone. The screen showed a few missed calls and two texts; one from Ian and one from Matt.

Ian: Josh is out with his new girlfriend. Come to the park and play football with us :)?

Matt: Be ready in an hour or you're coming to the park in pajamas.

I laughed, setting my phone down and finishing off my donut.

"So when's your boyfriend picking you up?" Taylor asked as I washed my hands off at the sink.

I rolled my eyes; "He's not my boyfriend! We're just friends."

She rolled her eyes right back. "You two have been hanging out non-stop for the past week. He's picking you up to go out to the park? Who were you planning on taking to that concert tonight, huh?"

"Ok, for one; I'm going to the park to play football with Matt and his friends. Two; I'm allowed to be friends with a guy."

"What about the concert? Who are you going to bring?"

I shrugged, crossing my arms. "To be honest, I forgot. I guess I'll probably bring Matt. Why can't you go anyways."

Taylor groaned, putting her head down on the table. "Jared wants to do something romantic. I think he just wants to break up; he's been super distant lately and wants to let me down gently."

I reached out, resting my hand on her shoulder. "Whatever happens, everything will be okay," I told her with a weak smile.

She smiled back at me, standing up and pushing me towards the stairs. "Go get ready, darling; your boyfriend will be here for you soon!"


"That's not how you play football you losers!"

I laughed, high fiving Ian beside me. "You never said there were any rules, maybe this is how we learned to play football!"

"Kaia, I'm pretty sure you can't jump on Mike's back to slow him knock him over."

"Shut up Matt!" I called. "Nobody said different!"

"Looks like Kaia and I win!" Ian says, throwing the ball down and lifting me up, running around the park with me over his shoulder.

When he put me down, I continued to laugh. Matt came over and engulfed me in a sweaty hug, Ian continuing to dance around.

"Even though you're a cheater, you're still a better player than Josh," Matt said.

I laughed again, grabbing my sweater from where I placed it on the ground. "Can we go get food? I'm starving."

They all nodded in agreement. "Lets just grab some burgers, we have to be back soon or we'll be late."

"What are you going to be late for?" I asked, but was interrupted by Mike's phone ringing.

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