Chapter Eight

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If you're mad at me for the last update, this update isn't going to make you like me anymore. Please read authors note at the end as it includes important news on updates and other things.

*Matt's point of view*

I woke up in the morning to Kaia quietly snoring beside me. I got up from the bed, smiling at the thought of her finally getting some rest. Letting Kaia sleep, I took a quick shower and later decided to make breakfast.

As I dished eggs on to a plate, Kaia came and sat down at the table, still in her pajamas and her tangled hair pulled into a ponytail.

"Morning," I said some what cheerily. She gave me a smile, but quickly looked away. I could tell she was worried, I was too. Probably even more so then Kaia.

 Almost a week ago I had gotten home after recording to Josh sleeping on my couch. Kaia was up waiting for me. She told me everything that had happened, about her dad and the hospital. I was shocked and scared, but overall relieved that she was okay. 

"Try not to worry about the doctor's today, it's just an appointment to get you that prescription." 

She smiled at me again before turning back to her eggs. I just sighed and dropped the subject; she obviously didn't want to talk so I wasn't going to push it.

"What time is Josh getting here at?" Kaia asked once both of our plates were cleared.

"He said he would get here about an hour before your appointment, so he should be here in twenty minutes."

She nodded and put her plate on the counter. "I'm going to take a shower," she said before walking back to the bedroom.

I sighed again; it had been a difficult few days. Kaia had let her depression get to her and it was beginning to scare me. I worried about her, so much it kept me up most nights. I hoped that this appointment with the doctor would help her get through.

I sat down on the couch after cleaning dishes and flipped through channels. A few minutes later I heard the radio in the bathroom turn on, followed quickly by the shower. About ten minutes into the Big Bang Theory re-run I had been watching, Josh walked into the living room.

"Is Kaia ready?" he asked.

"Well hi to you too," I replied, turning off the TV.

Josh rolled his eyes and stuffed his hands into the pockets of his sweater. He glanced at me for a moment then quickly looked away, eyes landing on his scuffed up converse.

"The doctor isn't gonna wait for us. Why are you still here anyways? I thought you were going out."

I shrugged and stood up. I was supposed to be meeting a friend, but was having second thoughts.

"I don't think it's such a good idea to leave Kaia alone, maybe I'll just go with her to the doctors instead."

"Matt stop worrying. I'll be with there the whole time." 

 "Do you want me to tell her you're here?"

He nodded, continuing to avoid my gaze. Everyone had been very moody and anti- social lately, especially Josh and Kaia. Choosing to ignore it, I walked down the hallway to the bedroom. As I opened the bathroom door, the shower turned off.

"Who's there?" Kaia asked from behind the shower curtain.

"Just Matt," I replied, leaning against the now closed door. Kaia's hand shot out from behind the shower curtained and searched around for her towel. Eventually finding it, she pulled back the curtain and stepped out of the shower.

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