Chapter Ten

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*Un-edited cause I can't be bothered*

*Matt's point of view*

The next week had been a blur. Everything moved quickly, and a lot was happening. Not only with the band's new album coming out in the Fall, but also the EP's release at the end of the month which I was extremely stressed. But tonight was Josh's surprise party, so hopefully it would help to take my mind off of things.

But it wasn't just the album that was stressing me, it was Kaia too. It's not like she had given me a reason to stress over anything, but I felt worried all the time. She had said she could still easily loose the baby, which worried me. I was worried that something would happen to her that wouldn'y be... fixable. She was weak right now, and anything could set her off.

"Could you stop staring at me, Matt?"

I blinked and realized I had be staring at Kaia. She had been sitting on the edge of the bed for ten minutes, fishtail braiding her hair. Now she was staring at me, seeming worried about something.

"Sorry, I kinda spaced out for a second."

She stared at me a moment longer, but then her expression softened and she flashed me a bright smile. She made her way across the room to me by the door and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me down for a kiss. It lasted a little longer than expected. Finally I pulled away and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Kaia, you're pregnant."

She frowned at me and pulled her arms away from my neck.

"Well Captain Obvious, that didn't stop you from taking off my top last week, did it?"

I blushed and looked away, making her laugh. 

"That's different," I said as she walked back to the bed to grab her shoes. "I had no intention of taking it any farther. You, on the other hand..."

I trailed off as she looked up at me, shooting daggers my way.

"I'm sure you didn't," she said sarcastically as she put on her flats. Standing up from the bed, she smoothed her dress and looked at me. "How do I look?"

"Beautiful as always," I replied, taking in her outfit. She pouted and turned to the mirror. "You can see my bump," she replied.

I studied her outfit; a flowy white dress with gold sparkles that reached her knee that she had paired with gold flats. "You can't see your bump," I assured her, reaching for her hand.

Two days ago Kaia had woken me up in the middle of the night to show me she was starting to get a bump. At first she had been really excited about the small bump of her stomach. Now I could tell she wasn't too sure about how she felt.

She took a final look in the mirror and sighed, then grabbed her purse and took my hand.


We reached Josh's apartment quickly and took the elevator up. Once we made it to his front door, Kaia opened the door without bothering to knock. I followed her in holding the cake she had baked for the party.

"That could be called breaking and entering," I said as Kaia set bags down on Josh's kitchen counter.

"Josh comes into our apartment all the time unannounced, I don't see why I should bother knocking," she replied as she unpacked plastic cups. Dana had given us all jobs to do for the party she thought we couldn't screw up. I had been put in charge of cups and paper plates.

"Also, I didn't break anything, I only entered."

I laughed, making her smile; but all I could think about was how she had said our apartment, and how much I liked hearing her say it.


We got home around 3 am; the party had basically been an excuse to get all our friends together and drink. Kaia had to come up with many excuses to avoid drinking, but seemed like she had a good time. The moment we got inside the apartment, Kaia collapsed on the couch and closed her eyes.

"Have a good time?" I asked, taking a seat beside her. She nodded and rested her head on my shoulder. 

"Ready for bed?" she shook her head and curled up on the couch, wrapping her arm around my arm. 

"How about I put a movie on until you fall asleep. Your choice."  Kaia smiled and opened her eyes, looking up at me. I could make out the gold flecks in her eyes, and count every freckle on her tanned skin.

"Jungle Book please" she said as I got off the couch.

"The Jungle Book?" I said teasingly.

She frowned at me and waved her hand dismissively. "Be quiet child. Just put the movie in, sit down and let me use your arm as a pillow again. 

I smiled at her then rummaged through the collection of movies Kaia had brought when she moved in. All of them seemed to be superheroes, Disney, or Christmas movies. Eventually I found Jungle Book and turned it on before sitting back down on the couch. Kaia reattached herself to my arm and fell asleep before King Louie even made an appearance, but I didn't have the heart to move her. Instead, I shifted so I could rest my head atop of Kaia's comfortably and fell asleep. 


I've been bad, I'm sorry. I know it. I'm a bad person. I said I would update like three weeks ago. I'm really really sorry.

The next chapter will also be a bit of a filler as well (and probably also really short); I have something huge planned for Matt's point of view but I didn't think it would be right to have so much happen so fast. 

So, yea. Don't lick electric fences and I'll see you hopefully sometime before school starts again.


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