dontforgetme *21*

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'Selena's POV

I gulped as I looked at my open suitcase on my bed, my clothing tossed in there, some of it hanging out the edges as I felt Justin watching me from my hotel room bed. I only had about twelve hours here until I had to go and board my plane and Demi was nowhere to be found.

I gulped, shaking my head as I looked at him.

“Do I have to go?” I asked, looking at him as he watched me.

I know that he didn't want me leaving but I knew he wasn't necessarily going to try talking me out of it.

Demi and I already had the tickets but she could just get reimbursed for hers.

I shook my head at the thought as I plopped down on my bed. I dialed a number as I put my phone to my ear.

I listened to my phone ring in my ear as I felt a hand on my back.

“Baby, who are you calling?” I heard in my other ear as I looked over at him, giving him a look. He raised his eyebrow as I heard the ring in my ear again.

Was she even going to answer?

I opened my mouth to answer until I heard the feminine voice in my ear.


“Mom, do I have to go back home?” I asked, feeling his hand on my back as I bit my lip. I had a feeling I already knew what she was going to say, but there was a small shred of me that hoped she would say I didn't have to. There was something about this whole summer that I didn't want to let go.

As I heard her sigh, I looked over my shoulder at Justin as I bit my lip. I gulped as I heard her start talking.

“Honey... You have tickets to come back tonight. You know that you can't do that. plus you start college in another week or two. you can't miss that.”

I sighed, sniffling as I looked down at my lap.

“I know, but Demi isn't coming home.”

“I know, sweetie. But I want to see you before you go off to University.” She said, calming in my ear as I gulped.

“Why does Demi not have to come home with me?” I asked as I still felt Justin’s hand on my back. I bit my lip as I waited for my mom to say something.

“I can't control what Demi does. She's not my daughter but I want to see you before you go off to university and I thought that much was obvious, sweetie..” She said into my ear as I nodded.

“Okay. Fine. I'll see you in another twenty four hours. Bye.” I said, hanging up before I even had a chance to hear what she had to say as I played with a stick on the back of my phone as I watched myself play with the sticker.

Why did it seem like the world was against me staying with Justin?

I mean, of all things, why does it want to tear me apart by taking me away from the one person that made me love myself and made me feel ready to go off to university?

It didn't make any sense to me and I hate the thought of leaving him.

Does anyone understand that?

I felt the stucker tear off of my phone in my hand as I sighed, letting the sticker fall to the ground as I felt his hand still on my back. I turned my head, looking at him as he watched me.

There were no words that passed by us, but he knew how I was feeling.

I've been feeling this way for the past week now.

dontforgetme *jemi/justlena*Where stories live. Discover now