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Okay, so I know that I have been extremely MIA lately and I want you to know that I cant even begin to explain how sorry I am for not posting as often as I should, but I love every single one of you that read this story. I really do love you and I couldnt imagine what life would be like if I had never been introduced to this site.

Thank you.

On ANOTHER note, I have decided to start another story here on wattpad titled 'Is that you, baby?' and its another Justlena story and I ask of everyone that reads this to go and look at the preview that I am posting and tell me what you think about it. Tell me if its something you would be interested in reading. 

If you love it that much, please share it with your friends!

I will try and post more often and I hope you guys love it!

Thank you, yet again.

Brina :)

dontforgetme *jemi/justlena*Where stories live. Discover now