dontforgetme *7*

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Chapter 7

*Demi's POV*

“I may not even know you too well, but you are stupid.” I said, laughing softly as I looked over at him as he had a couple fries sticking out of his nose.

“Yeah? At least I got you to laugh, right?” He asked, taking the fries out of his nose and setting them down on his tray.

I nodded slowly as I looked around the Wendy’s that we had decided to go to instead. I kind of left Selena at Taco Bell with Justin and went over to Wendy’s across the street with Joe.

Today was actually fun.

A good first day here.

I picked up my iced tea, taking a sip of it as I set it down, looking over at him. “Well, how exactly do you know Justin back there with my friend?” I asked, picking up a fry and taking a bite of it.

“Well, Justin is just a friend of mine. Were close though. His family is back in Canada and our families are actually close. We actually attend the nearby college..” He explained, taking a bite of the cheeseburger her ordered as I nodded thoughtfully.

A college boy?

I took a sip of my tea as I looked around the Wendy’s.

“Where are you guys from?”

I looked over at him as he had a curious look on his face as I bit my lip.

There was just something about him that made me want to open up to him.

That made me feel comfortable in front of him besides the creepers that were back in Oregon.

“Were here for a little Summer Vacation before we have to start at the local college back in Oregon. Nothing too interesting..” I said, looking down at the food in front of me as I picked up another fry.

“Well, that's actually.. I've heard some things that has happened in Oregon lately. Just little things though. California is where its at.” He said, winking playfully as I laughed softly, shaking my head.

I looked down at my drink in front of me as I let my mind wander.

Why is this not weird to be eating dinner in a Wendy’s with a guy that hit me in the head with a volleyball just a couple hours before now? I picked up a couple fries thoughtfully as I shoved them in my mouth, chewing thoughtfully.

I was really thoughtful.

“So how long are you in California?” He asked, not wanting a silence to settle among us as I looked at him.

“Just the summer. We only have enough money until like late August..” I said, shrugging as I picked up my soda, taking a sip of it. “I know it's a short amount of time, I just hope that Lena and I will be able to see everything there is to see..” I said, picking up my chicken burger, taking a bite out of it. I was just hungry, is that such a bad thing?

“Well, you know what.....?” He started, looking over at me as I raised my eyebrow.

“What do I know?” I asked, looking over at him as he chuckled softly.

“I could help with your exploration. I could show you all the sights here. The secret places that tourists never get to.. You don't have to come with me, but I don't think it would be such a bad thing...” He said, shrugging as he took a sip of his soda in front of him.

I smiled at the thought of having him as my tour guide as I nodded.

“Id like that...”


*Lena's POV*

“You are so stupid.. Seriously. You are just like the boys at home.” I said, shaking my head, crossing my arms over my chest, leaning against the building.

“And how is that?” Justin asked, looking over at me as I shook my head.

“Whatever... I just need to find Demi...” I said as Justin shook his head, looking over at me.

“Now, my dear friend, you are wrong there. Demi is fine with my best friend. Seriously. Don't worry about it..” He said, taking a step closer to me as I shook my head.

“Get away from me. I can find my own way home..” I said, walking past him, my arms still crossed across my chest as I began walking away from him.

I heard a sigh from behind me as I got to a corner, looking around as I tried looking for my best friend. I felt a hand wrap around my waist, making me jump and spin around.

“Tell me where your staying and I will get you there safely.” Justin said, looking around the two of us as I raised my eyebrow.

“What the fuck do you mean?”

“There’s someone watching you, just go with me..” He mumbled into my ear as my eyes widened slightly. I told him where I was staying with Demi as he raised his eyebrow, looking at me. “Its the other way..” He said as I sighed, shaking my head.

Of course it would be.


Okay, so I know that a few of you were having troubles with the POV's and so I think I will ust add the POVs from now on. I am sorry if its extremely confusing.

I love you guys!! Please comment and tell me what you think about it. I love hearing feedback on my writing!!!

Thank you for reading!!!

Brina :)

dontforgetme *jemi/justlena*Where stories live. Discover now