dontforgetme *17*

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Chapter 17


I giggled softly against his lips as I pressed soft kisses against his lips, enjoying this time with him There was something normal, yet new about this as I laid on the grass, Justin kissing me back as I felt myself get lost in the kiss as my hand rested on his cheek.

I pulled away from him after a couple minutes, my breathing ragged as I laid there under him. I looked up at him, smiling as my mind seemed to race. I giggled at the look on his face as my thumb gently rubbed his cheek, my gaze fixed on his light brown eyes.

I don't understand how just twenty minutes ago, I was so confused about all of this and now, i'm here, practically making out with a boy that I just met a month ago in the grass of his thinking spot.

Does that make any sense?

It doesn't make any sense to me.

I shook my head, my hand still gently rubbing his cheek as I kept my gaze on his.

“How does this even happen?” I whispered, looking at him as I licked my lips, looking at him.

“Well, when two people love each other, they-”

“No! Justin!” I said a little too loudly, gently slapping his chest as I heard a lighthearted chuckle leave his lips. “That's not what I meant..” I mumbled, looking up at him as he kept his gaze on me.

“Well, how did you mean it?” He mumbled, looking at me as his hand gently rubbed my side as I smiled at the feeling.

“Well, I meant it as in a half an hour ago, I didn't even know that I was capable of liking you this much because I denied myself the right to feel these feelings like this... I just don't understand how I could be like that twenty minutes ago and now i'm laying here, making out with you..” I explained, my hand resting on his cheek as I kept my eyes glued to his.

“Well, some things are just meant to happen for a reason.” He mumbled, his hand gently rubbing my side as he looked down at me.

“Does that mean that this is something that is meant to happen if it feels so right to me?” I asked, looking at him as I let my hand drop from his cheek down to his chest.

“Does it feel like it's something that is meant to happen?” He questioned, looking down at me, his hand still gently rubbing my side over my shirt as I thought it over.

I don't understand how this could feel so right.

I mean, everyone else back in Oregon never made me feel like this, why would he?

A college boy in California that I would have never met if I never came down here with Demi to California.

I don't understand it.

I felt his hand freeze on my side, making me look back up at him as he had a look on his face.

“Are you okay?” He mumbled, watching me intently as my brow furrowed, looking at him.

“Yeah, I was just thinking... Why?” I mumbled, my hand on his chest as he shook his head.

“You just got this weird look on your face. That must be your thinking face..” He mumbled, the confused look on his face being replaced by a smile as I smiled, looking at him.

I don't understand this.

Nothing makes sense.

But the best things don't make sense.

~~~~~~~~~~ No POV

“Shhh, shut up. you have to keep quiet if you're going to be here.” She hushed him as she looked over her shoulder at him, opening her hotel room door. She looked over at her best friend’s bed, smiling when she didn't see anything from her side of the bed.

dontforgetme *jemi/justlena*Where stories live. Discover now