Losing Control

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I woke up to see Tom sleeping peaceful next to me. I smiled to myself scooting closer to him. I slide my finger down the lining of his jaw and neck. He opened those goregous green eyes of u and smiled at me. "Good Morning, Darling." he said cupping one side of my face. His voice was so angelic and low sent chills down my spine. I pressed my lips against his pulling him close to me. I felt his tongue caress mine gently making me fall deeper into his kiss. I pulled away gazing into his eyes. "I love you." I whispered. He gave me a grin and chuckled. "I was waiting to her those words." replied Tom. "I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true." "I wish I was the only one you loved." I let out a sigh and looked away. "I wish the same thing." "Listen to your heart. What does it tell you?" "When I'm with Mark I feel a strong physical attraction and less emotion. But, with you I get both physical and emotional. You make me feel wanted and valued. I get butterflies in my stomach everytime I see you, kiss you, and hear your voice. What does this tell you?" "I wish I could answer that for you." He takes my hand and kisses it. "Why do I get the feeling I want you more than I want Mark?" He chuckled and got up from the bed. He looked so sexy naked. He puts his boxers on and goes to the bathroom.

I laid there looking up at the ceiling just thinking to myself. My choice was making itself clearer and clearer everytime I'm with Tom. Making love to him was so passionate. With every kiss and every touch he made me feel like a real woman. When me and Mark had sex it was quick and arousing. No feeling. Maybe he was in love with the sex and not me. I think I made my choice. Tom comes out wet from head to toe. Guess he took a shower. He had the towel wrapped around him as he pick up his clothes. He sat down on the bed and began putting his clothes on. Before he could put his shirt on I went up to him and sat on his lap. I wrapped my arm around him. I kissed his neck taking in the sweet smell of the soap. I trailed my kisses up his neck, cheek, then his soft lips. "Let's celebrate tonight. You and me." I said smiling at him. "Mmm, what's the occasion?" he asked giving me a sexy smirk. "Nothing big. Just celebrating with the man I chose to be with." His face lite up as he picked me up bridal style. "Are you serious, love?! You're all mine?!" "Yes! I want you Tom." He let out a cry of joy as kissed me swing me around.

Tom and I left to New Jersey and spend the day sight seeing and at the beach. I felt to happy around him. We made it back to my place. We stood there by my door just holding eachother close. "I'm going to miss you." I said. "I'll see you tomorrow. You know you can always come work for me. I'm in desparate need of a really good assisstant." said Tom. I let out a laugh and kissed his cheek. "I could use a job." "Then it's settled you start tomorrow." We shared a laugh together.

I looked over to see Mark's car pull up in my driveway. He comes out and slams the door behind him. "Look's like someone has been having fun." He got up closer to us grinning at us. "How was she Tom? She's very good in bed isn't she. I didn't know you liked whores." Tom grabbed Mark by the collar and slammed him against the wall. "You will bit your tongue when you're around me. Show the lady some respect." snapped Tom. "What are you going to do? She screwed us both over. I would suspect you would be on my side." "Not anymore. My sweet Melony has made her choice." Mark looked at me with sad eyes shoving Tom away. I couldn't bare to look at him. "You made your choice already?" "Yes. I chose Tom." I replied taking Tom's hand. "Melony, I love you. Doesn't that mean anything." "No." "This isn't over. I will have you." He looks at Tom and punches him square in the jaw. Tom falls over a little bit but catches his balance. "You piece of shit!" Mark stormed off to his car and peeled out of the driveway. Tom wiped the blood off from his mouth. "Are you okay?" I asked. "I'm fine darling. Let me go pick me up some clothes from my house. I feel like having another sleepover." I smiled at him shaking my head. I made a good choice. Mark's threats didn't take any affect on Tom. He seemed certain that I would stay with him. Which is true. Bring on the drama.

**srry for neglecting this story been busy with the other story. So, do you think Mark is going to make Melony and Tom's life hell? Vote and Comment please. New Update soon.**

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