In Trouble

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I arrived home tossing my keys in the bowl on the mantel. I pushed the button on the answering machine. "You have 2 new messages." announced the machine. "Hey Melony, its me Corey. Its been awhile since we last talk. I just called to see if you would like to come over to my house for dinner." Yeah, sure a booty call! Fucking prick! Corey was one of my ex boyfriends. Not even a week into the relationship he fucked some other bitch from some club. "Hi Melony, it's Corey again. I know you're still pissed at me for what I did but I promise I will make it up to you. Please just call me back." Like hell I am. Delete. I went upstairs to take a shower and get ready for bed. I set my alarm on my clock and laid down. I closed my eyes for a few seconds then my phone went off. I looked on the screen to see who it was. It was Mark. Shit! I slowly put the phone to my ear and answered it. "Miss Ross, I need you to come in an hour early. I need you to accompany me on a trial." he said coldly. "Yes, sir." "You have a good night. Oh and Melony?" "Yes?" "Tonight was amazing. I hope you sleep well. Let this be our little secret." I smiled to myself and replied, "Will do, Mr. Ruffalo." "Call me Mark." "Goodnight." I laid back on the bed still smiling. God, how I love that man.

I arrived their early in the morning. We drove over to the courthouse and went up the elevator. I set the case files down on the table and he asked me to stay seated. I looked around the room to see everyone taking their places. People were coming in to sit in the seats behind us. I look over to see Tom on the opposite side. He placed his suit case down opening it up. He pulled out  a folder and began skimming through it. I just sat there gazing at him. He turns his head slightly and looked at me. I quickly turned my head. Tom must have known I was staring. Real smooth Melony way to get the man's attention. He flashed a smile at me and walked over. "Miss Ross, checking up on me are we?" he asked. I blushed and gave him a smile. "No, Mr. Ruffalo asked me to accompany him today." I replied. "That's nice. I guess you'll have the pleasure of seeing me at work." "Consider me your number one fan." We both shared a laugh. "We're still on for lunch right?" he asked. "Yes we are." "Good, I'm looking forward to it."


I come back to the courtroom to see some guy talking with Melony. It looked to me that he was flirting with her. I walked over giving the guy a half smile. "Hi, am I interrupting something?" I asked. "Ah, no. I was just talking with your lovely secretary here. Tom Hiddleston." he replied. He held is hand out and I shook it back firmly. "Mark Ruffalo." "Well, I better get back to my post. It was a pleasure meeting you and farwell Miss Ross." He gave her smile and winked at her. I look to see her smile and her cheeks were red. I don't know what was going on with me but I'm starting to get jealous. She's not even my girlfriend. I sat down next to her avoiding eye contact. I don't want her seeing me look jealous. The judge walkes in and began the trial.


I sat there admiring Mark at work. He was good and spot on when a witness was lying. He sat back down next to me as Tom got his turn. Every now and then he would sneak a few looks in my direction. God, he was so cute. The case turned for the worse when the judge ruled in favor of Tom's client. Mark lost a case and he didn't look so happy. We were then dismissed and Mark stormed out without me. I gathered all the files when I seen Tom stand next to me. "Need some help?" he asked. "Uh, no I got it. I need to catch up with Mark." I replied and began walking. "He seemed a bit angry." "Yeah, it's his first loss." "My apologizes." I went out to where we parked but Mark was gone. "Oh crap! He left me. I better go get a taxi." "I can give you a ride. It's no problem." "Alright." He opened the door for me and I stepped inside. He closed the door and hopped in on the otherside.

The drive back was quiet. I noticed him pulling up to a resturant. He opened the door helping me out. "Might as well get some lunch before heading back." he said smiling at me. I followed him inside and the waiter took us to our seats. Tom is such a gentleman. He pulled out my seat motioning me to take a seat. I sat down and he took his seat next to me. The waiter handed us our menu. "What would you like to drink?" he asked. "Ladies first." replied Tom. "Sweet tea." I said giving Tom a smile. "I'll have the same." The waiter nodded his head and walk away. "I must say Melony you look absolutely radiant today. I like the way your hair shines in the light." I turned completely red as he gave me a smile. Ugh, he so cute. Not to mention brutally hot. "Thank you." "Your boyfriend must be very lucky to have such an enchanting and beautiful woman such as yourself." "I don't have a boyfriend." "I'm sorry to hear that. I wish I could be of assisstance to mend your broken heart." "Are you flirting with me, Mr. Hiddleston?" He turned away smiling and blushing. He is just so amazingly charming. "Is it working?" "You could say it is." He let out a chuckle and looked back at his menu.

After lunch and getting to know Tom better we headed back to the office. We stopped at my office and stood there for a moment. "I better get inside. I have a lot of work to do. Thank you for lunch. I really enjoyed it." I said breaking the silence. "The pleasure is all mine. You have a wonderful day." He took my hand into his and pulled me close to him. His bright green eyes were locked onto mine as he leaned down to place a soft kiss on my cheek. His lips were warm and soft against my cheek. My heart fluttered and I could feel my face growning hot. He gives me one last smile and walks away. I walk back in to hear the phone ringing. I quickly picked it up. "Ruffalo Defense Attorney's office how may I help you?" "Melony? Is that you?" It was Mark. Fuck! "Yes, Sir." "In my office now!" Oh crap he's pissed.

**CLIFFHANGER!! LOL What do you think is going to happen? Vote and Comment please.**

It Takes Two to Tango (Tom Hiddleston and Mark Ruffalo Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now