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It was lunch time and everyone left to go eat. I bring my own lunch. I mean why waste money when you have food at your house. I ate a turkey on wheat sandwhich with sun chips. I hear Mark's door open as I seen him walk out. I could feel his eyes on me as I took a bite of my sandwhich. "I figured you would be out with the others eating at lunch." said Mark giving me a smile. My heart fluttered because this was the first time I've seen him smile. Most of the time he always faked them. It was perfect. "Mr. Ruffalo, you really are a martian. I've been doing this for years." He chuckled at me run his finger through his hair. "What's your first name?" "Melony." "Do me a favor throw that sandwhich in the trash and join me for lunch. What do you say?" I raised my eyebrow at him. Seriously? What has gotten into this man? Is he having a mid-life crisis or something? I really liked him a lot so might as well. I took my sandwhich and tossed it in the trash along with my bag of chips. "Sure." He smiled once again and held out his hand. I took it and he led me out of the office.

His car was nice. It was a silver volvo with nice black leather interior. He blarred stereo to some good ol' Lynard Skynard speeding down the street. He was wild."You do realize your breaking the law for speeding right?" I said. "I know." he replied giving me a wink. I smiled at him and shook my head. He pulled up to this real fancy resturant. I grew nervous because seriously I can't afford a fancy dinner. He opened my door and help me out. He tossed the keys to the valet guy. We walked inside and I felt a little out of place. The last time I ever went to a resturant like this it was when my ex boyfriends dumped me. Which for some reason became a trend in my life.

The waiter seated us and handed us a menu. "What would you like to drink?" asked the waiter. "Bring a bottle of your best red wine." said Mark. I looked over at him confused. "What?" "Nothing." I replied. "You want to ask me something but, you're afraid to know what the answer might be. Am I right?" Spot on pal. "Well, the thing is I'm just confused about this entire situation. I have work for you for a long time. Without complaints and here you are finally taking notice that I in fact exist. Now, either you're going through a bad break up or you are going through a mid-life crisis. Now, which one is it?" He raised an eyebrow as he took in the rant I just made. "Miss Ross, just the other day someone told me something that really hit me like a brick to the head. My entire life was always dedicated to being the best lawyer there is. I actually lost a client due to the fact that I forgot what her name was. I'm so focused on the large details when dealing with a case. But, the one that really seems to be more important are the smaller ones. Those are the details I'm ignore. Like names, looks, feelings, and talking. I'm missing intimate details. I'm I making any sense here to you." "Yeah, it's like I said before. You're like a martian." "I agree with you a hundred percent." We shared a laugh as the waiter came back. He showed the bottle to Mark. With the wave of his hand the waiter began pouring our glasses with wine. We ordered out meals and the waiter leaves. I read the bottle and smiled. "Cab Sauv 1956 good choice." I said smiling. He smiled raised his glass. "Friends?" he asked. I clinked my glass against his. "Friends."

We ate and talked about our lives. There was so much about him that I didn't know. Make that personally. The smaller details about him I could name off. The way he signs his name, how he likes his coffee, the way his nose crinkles up when he gets angry. His father was a judge and practically forced Mark into law school. He's never been married but has had his issues with gold digging woman. He's been heartbroken once. His job is what cause her to leave him. From then on his relationship strictly sexual and never completely commited. He paid for everything which made me feel unconfortable. He probably spent nearly a grand just for eating lunch. He dropped me off at the office and left because he had a meeting to go to.

I was walking down the hall when I accidently bumped it someone. Jesus I'm such a idiot. I helped pick up the papers that were scattered everywhere. I stood up handing the papers back when my heart skipped a beat for a second. He was tall, with curly ginger red hair slicked back, and sparkling green eyes. His smile was goregous and spread from ear to ear. This guy was hot. "I'm so sorry for bumping into you. I must not have been paying attention." I said apologizing. He took the papers from me placing them back in his folder. "It's alright, my dear. Accidents happen." he replied. God, I think I'm going to lose it. His british accent made him even more attractive. "I guess so." "I'm Tom Hiddleston by the way. I work over in corporate law right down the hall. And you are?" "I'm Melony Ross." "Are you a lawyer as well?" "Oh no! I'm a secretary for Mark Ruffalo." "Ah, yes. I've heard about him. I actually have a meeting schedualed for Friday with him." "Oh that's good." "Are you sure you are alright? Did I hurt you when we clashed?" "No, I'm fine." "Well, I better get going. It was pleasure meeting you darling. Maybe we will cross paths again real soon." "Likewise, Mr. Hiddleston." "Call me Tom. Take care, love." He walked past me leaving the scent of his cologne trailing behind him. I think I'm in love. Tom was so charming and sexy. Hopefully are paths will cross really soon. I got the chills just listening to him speak. It was intoxicating. I could listen to that deep british voice of his all day. Please don't have a girlfriend. I really, really like Tom.

**I hope you like this story so far. Spread the word if you can about this story. Looks like Melony has herself another crush. Which team would you guys be? #TeamTom or #TeamRuffalo? Vote and Comment please. Let the love triangle begin.**

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