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The night was dark, the clock struck 12, and there was a chill in the air. I felt like I was alone, but I wasn't alone. Deep in my heart, something unsettled me. I felt like my parents killer could be close, but never before have I had this kind of adrenaline rush since I got to fight my undead parents. 2 years had passed since the town's mysterious killings, but it still made me slightly on edge, knowing that my own parents were actually Zombies. One way or another, I would find the killer, and I wouldn't stop until I was sure he was brought to justice. There was no chance I was going to stop until I knew for sure that some justice had been done.

My grand-parents were going to be the greatest people ever, and this unknown giant sack of crap had done me the cruel injustice of not allowing me to see them. I'm not bent on vengeance for my parents justice to be done...for them. Sometimes, you feel like you're stuck between a rock and a hard place. Find the killer with a likely outcome of being killed yourself, or let the police do the work at the risk of them fumbling about and getting them killed for my parents instead? This is definitely a decision I had to make. My mind went back to how sad they were back at the graveyard. Only one word could describe how they felt, and that word, is Broken. I had every right to be upset at what had happened to them. I was going to find the idiot responsible for taking away my parents life, and I was going to do it my way. Wish me luck everyone, because I don't know whether I'll be back to tell the tale of how I tried, and failed, or tried and succeeded. I don't know how I'm gonna do it, but I'll do it, and I'll show him the error of his ways.

I put on my dark clothes, and wandered out into the darkness...

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