Chapter 4: More questions than Answers

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Somehow, the town seemed different as I rode through. It was usually full of life, and the smell of freshly baked goods filled the air whenever I passed by. Not today, it seems. Only on rare occasions, like the threat of a gang war, or the extremely hot sun, would keep us all housebound. None of those were present. The sun was burning bright as usual, and was a pleasant 23 degrees Celsius (that's 73.4 degrees Fahrenheit for any americans reading this story) at the time of writing this (2:30 PM). This was starting to get from confusing, to worrying, and it wasn't even night time yet. 

Underneath my favourite tree, I needed to think about what I knew. But first, I wanted to take in what a nice view it was, sitting atop a hill, underneath a shaded tree, on such a nice day. The universe was trying to tell me something, but what on earth was it? Let's see what I knew about today, so far: 

1) The nightmare/psychic dream: It was scary for sure, and it did involve a gnarled hand, 2 figures chasing me, and this town. The universe could be trying to tell me something, but what? 

2) Bacon and Brains in the Frying Pan: The only people I knew could eat brains are neanderthals, Zombies, or cannibals. My parents were not one of least, I don't think they are...or are they?

3) The town in General: I know I'm not one to complain, but something seemed mighty screwy with the town today, but I just didn't know what it was. A secret Halloween Party that I wasn't aware of? All the town, except my family, taking a simultaneous vacation? A secret invasion, and a hostile takeover while I was asleep? What is it?

I sat up there for nearly three hours, trying to figure each one out, and the end result was...I got nothing. I rode back home, and decided i needed to clear my head some more. Maybe writing about what happened so far could help me uncover this mystery. I logged back onto my computer, and went onto every writing website I could, including this one. Maybe there was something I couldn't figure out, but maybe you, the reader could help me figure out this mysterious case? I started writing; 'The night was dark...'

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