Chapter 15: As long as we shan't live - Part 1

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"It all began several years ago" Dad started. A TV appeared behind where Mum and Dad were sitting, and I watched it turn itself on. Dad kept on telling his terrifying tale of how he and Mum became Zombies, while the TV illustrated what happened. "It was the 60's this whole business happened". Images flashed on the screen of 60's memorabilia. It was amazing to see, but I didn't know what to expect with the story. "The movie that was extremely popular during that time was a 'new' horror movie 'Night of the Living Dead'. It was a horrifying classic, and one that many either loved or loathed". Pictures of packed cinema's showed on the screen, and I just stared on in disbelief. "Because of its huge popularity, your mother and I started to go out and see it every chance we got, because to us, it wasn't scary at all". It was almost a beautiful thing seeing them sitting in that theater. 

Mum started to talk next. "It was like seeing an action movie for us, rather than a horror movie. Unfortunately, because we'd payed so much to see the movie, we soon ran out of money. Because of that, we couldn't ask our parents for anything, because we'd drained them of all their cash, and they told us that we needed to get jobs to see the movie again. But while we were getting a job, and filling in document after document, we found out parents to be missing. At the time, I was around your age, Trevor, and your father wasn't too far off being 18". I saw my grandparents' home trashed. It was even worse than when I made my room in a fit of rage. That was during the last chapter. Mum continued, and I kept on watching the TV show me their story.

"We had no idea who or what could've taken our parents away from us. We filed a report with the police, but we didn't hear from them for ages. Even to this day, we still don't fully know what happened. The shame of letting them get taken made us go into a deep pit of doubt and despair". I could see how sad the younger version of Mum and Dad looked. Dad continued the story. "Eventually, claims about our missing parents were reported to us, and the end result was not nice..."

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