Chapter 5: Another Mystery Unsolved

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I continued writing for ages, and ages, and ages, compiling a story of what I knew, which is what you're reading right now. And even though I read it over, and over again, I just couldn't make heads or tails out of it. This was a mystery that I intended to solve, but I needed more clues, and a few suspects if I was going to get to the bottom of this. I know that sounds cliched )Clee-shay=ed) but I don't know how else to describe it. My parents were still busy working; marking sheets some kids submitted, helping to make sure our house was still liveable, and also creating new assignments for other students to complete. I wandered around town some more, and decided the first place I should look was on my street; Greyhound Street. I interviewed each person on the street one by one, asking each one the same questions: 

1) Have you seen any suspicious activity during the last week? 

2) Where and when did said suspicious activity occur?

3) Do you have any other information that might contribute to helping me solve this case at all?

One by one, I compiled a profile of each and every person, including a Photo, personal details, and their answers to each of the questions. I went down each street, every road, every pathway, and into every business I could find in town. every person may have been different, but their answers were basically the same. It's like every time I think I understand what's happened, I end up right back where I started. I needed a new lead for this case, and quickly. With my head filled with that same annoying mystery from this morning, I had no choice but to venture home. When I walked in, that foul stench greeted me again, but this time, it was worse. This was a pigs brain being steamed with a few vegetables, and in another pot was gravy. It was delicious smelling, the gravy, but the rest of the stuff smelled horrible

I wanted to know what was going on. Bacon and brains for breakfast, steamed brains and vegetables for dinner? This was getting worse and worse, and I still had no clue to why the town was acting so weird. And why my parents had an unusual desire to feed me Brains!  Unless...

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