Chapter 7: String Theory

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By morning, my face was dusky in color; white as a ghost getting spooked. I felt my eyes getting heavier with each passing minute, my arms were limp as a wet noodle, and my legs were like jelly; wobbling and shaking. Honestly, of all the people in the world, I had to be stuck with parents who could be brain eating Zombies! But then, something clicked inside my head. My mind went back to what digdig had said to me yesterday; "...I heard about people who are like, a chosen one for a bigger purpose. When you figure out what it is, everything becomes clear. You just need to work out what it might be". Could I have been the chosen one for this purpose? To uncover and root out the mystery of my dream? It made sense, but I was still unsure entirely. Maybe my purpose was something else. 

Over the next couple of nights, the same thing happened again, and again, and again; people were being cornered, slashed, and attacked by 2 shadowed figures. One by one, my list of suspects started to dwindle, going from around in circles, to down the proverbial toilet that is life. These were random attacks, but they were stringed over a series of nights. I wondered if what I saw was real, or whether I was just being even more paranoid than a conspiracy theorist. I suspected that, just supposing my parents were brain eating zombies, then why did they do that? Why the senseless killings, the brain eating for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and why, of all things, did it have to be my parents? 

I didn't know for sure whether it was my parents, but i needed more evidence. I know I'm being more and more paranoid with each chapter I write, but maybe I'm not. Maybe, I'm the only person in this town that can see the truth behind these disappearances. Tomorrow night, I need to find out for sure what was really happening to the people of this town. But could I do it without dying a horrible death? Only time, and my small knowledge of this town, would tell for sure. 

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