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The night is dark, the clock strikes 12, and there is a chill in the air. I feel like I'm alone, but I'm not alone. A country town seemed like a good idea to live in, at the time, but now I wish I decided on living in the urban jungle that is the city. A tingle runs down my spine as death comes close to me, breathing that rotten odour of its last victim down my neck. Realizing I might be next, I try to run, but my legs are frozen with fear. Another figure emerges from out of the shadows, sensing my panic, and their Bloodlust can't be sated until another person experiences Death's sweet embrace. The figures shuffle forwards, unsure of who I am, but knowing full-well that their next meal is within reach. Finding the courage I try and run away, thinking that you might be next. I really wish I wore my Brown Pants right now.

A small trickle of sweat runs down my brow, and my limbs are pumping up, down, forwards and backwards, like a well oiled machine. The figures from before now seem to have a new burst of unnatural speed, sensing that their victim is getting away. Nothing can prepare me for what could happen next. I know I shouldn't look back, but I do anyway. Stupid mistake! Stupid, stupid mistake! The figures are closing in, and they've cornered me. There's nothing but empty land beyond the border of this stupid town. They edge closer and closer, realizing that I don't want to die. An empty, gnarled and gross looking hand reaches up in the air, slowly and menacingly. This might be the end of my life. The hand looks like it wants to slash at something, like an eagle about to strike, mid-air. The hand comes down with super-natural speed. A scream breaks the silence, and then I see 4 scratch marks along my chest, going from my heart to down at my stomach on the right side. Blood trickles out, and then they attack...

"YAAAAARRRGGGH"! I wake up, and bolt into an upright sitting position, like someone shoved a bolt of electricity up my spine. I look around my room, dripping with sweat. My alarm clock says 3:20 AM. That was a terrible nightmare, or was it a psychic dream? I remember hearing about them on TV; where a person dreams that something happens so vividly, it seems as though it's real. And then some time in the future, it actually happens the way they dreamed it. Back on the subject, I wish I didn't watch those stupid horror movies before I went to bed. I know that music can relax a person's mind, because it acts as a distraction. I put on my favourite CD, which is a compilation of my favourite Epic Rap Battles Of History. That calms me down a bit, but in the back of my mind, I still can't stop thinking about that psychic dream that I had.

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