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Don't Let Me Down - The Chainsmokers ft. Daya

Kennedy's POV

It was almost coming to midnight and sleep was the last thing on my mind. After sitting poolside with Zara for about half an hour, she decided to head back inside while I preferred to sit out for a little longer. I sat alone, with my thoughts running through my head about various things before I too, went back inside.

Now, I was sitting on the edge of my bed looking out of the long window in front of me holding my cell phone, contemplating whether I should call my mother or not. The thing with her and I is that, we don't have the usual relationship a daughter should be sharing with her mother. I hadn't spoken to her for almost two years now. Only the occasional voicemails sent on Christmas or on one of our birthdays would be the only time we got to hear each other. If I was lucky that is... because the simplicity of sending a text message also exists in this time.

The issue between my mother and I is that, after my father passed away two years ago, she was able to move on from him a few months after and start dating again. Whereas myself, couldn't even imagine the thought of some other male figure replacing my father or let alone, be welcomed into the family with whatever the label he might have. The differences of thought, obviously caused us both to argue many times.

But one afternoon when my mother decided to introduce her new boyfriend to me, I had lost it. I didn't care what the new guy in her life would think of me, so I yelled at her about my disapproval of him and her decision to be with him. This only pissed my mother off and she demanded that I accept them together. In hell I would...

So I ran away from home and decided to live on my own. I didn't need to live with the woman who stopped caring about her late husband and her daughter's pain of losing her father and not being able to accept another man into their small, broken family. We didn't talk for a good six months after that. She would try to contact me, but I'd just ignore her calls. Then karma being the bitch it is, gave me a taste of my own medicine when I would be left ignored too when I tried reaching her. And just like that, almost two years passed.

But no matter how upset I still was with her, she was still my mother at the end of the day. And being so, I wanted to talk to her. I wanted to ask for her help and advice on the problems I was experiencing. I was afraid of being put through voicemail again, but I didn't care. I had to do it.

So I took my phone and called her, taking a deep breath when I tapped on her name in my contacts list. I held the phone up to my ear and started to hear it ringing. As each ring finished, I was losing hope that she'd pick up and my lip trembled.

"Please pick up." I whispered out hoarsely, pressing the phone against my cheek.

The last ring took place and the automated female voice began to speak, leaving me hurt all over again and this time tears started to fill my eyes. Any other time I wouldn't have minded so much her not picking up my call but right now, it was crucial. Either way, I got ready to deliver my message to her as I inhaled sharply once the woman stopped reciting the instructions on leaving a voicemail and the long beep was heard.

"Hey, Mom... you didn't pick up again." I humourlessly chuckled. "But I don't blame you. You must be still very upset with me. No matter how angry I was with you, I shouldn't have ran away from home. But anyway, how are you? You must be very happy with Dean. I sometimes see pictures of you two and I can tell."

"Um, I actually needed to talk to you. I need some help, Mom. I really wish I was talking to you right now and then I could hear you, but I guess not..." I cleared my throat and sniffled my nose before speaking again. "I don't know if you knew that I was a contestant on the famous competition, The Malik's Dolls, last year? Well I was and I had come in second place. Yeah, and Zayn Malik, the owner? You probably know who he is. Well he and I had actually started to date while the competition was going on. Of course it was kept a secret, so that's why no one ever knew. But unfortunately, we didn't make it, Mom." I swallowed hard as I blinked away the tears that started to pool in my eyes.

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