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It had been week since Zayn and I went out to lunch and he found out everything about me. It was safe to consider him as a friend now as I wasn't as awkward as I was before in front of him and I felt more comfortable around me.

After that one afternoon, we went out for lunch two more times and during the second trip, we actually remembered to bring back the girls and Evelyn something too unlike last time. Besides going out for lunch, Zayn also came to my room to play with Halo while I held a conversation with him. Now that Zayn really knew who I was, it was easier to talk to him about myself rather than getting stressed to make up lies or to conceal a fact about me.

If I wasn't busy with something regarding the competition or hanging with the other dolls, you most probably would find me with Zayn. And I truly enjoyed being in his company. He was a really sweet and kind of a silly guy. Whatever Evelyn had disclosed to me about Zayn, was slowly showing off of him as he too was opening himself to me.

But no matter how dorky or funny, I still found him absolutely attractive. The way he intensely stared at me or the way sometimes our bodies would brush against each other's, without fail brought goosebumps to my skin and sent a shiver down my spine. As awkward as it may sound with Zayn being my friend and all, I couldn't help but attend myself whenever I thought about his sexy demeanour.

Today was another free day so earlier the girls and I were sprawled around the lounge, completely bored out of our minds. But after Kathy mentioned how she was craving something sweet to eat and Felicity stated she would bake her a cake if she was allowed to in the kitchen, we all rushed downstairs to ask Evelyn, since we couldn't find Zayn anywhere, if we could bake some desserts for ourselves to eat.

Once we were given the permission, we occupied a big part of the massive kitchen to start making cakes, cupcakes, and some banana bread, due to Kiara's request. Half an hour later with a bit of fooling around, there were flour, frosting, and other ingredients covering the kitchen countertops along with parts of our faces and arms.

"Woah!" Evelyn walked into the kitchen with her eyes wide and instantly all the laughter and giggling died. "What happened in here?"

"Hanna started it." Yasmine smirked crossing her arms as she blamed her.

"You bitch!" Hanna gasped, which made the rest of us chuckle. "You're the one who flicked flour into my hair first!"

"Okay, okay settle down." Evelyn announced. "Are the cakes at least done or you guys just gave yourself makeovers?" she raised her brow smilingly.

On cue, the timer went off indicating the baking time had come to an end.

"I think they're done. Let me go check." I said, slipping on the over mitts. I walked over to the large, wide oven and pulled open the door, immediately being engulfed with the sweet aroma of the baked goods.

"They look so nice." I heard Kiara beside me say.

"They're in better shape than us." I joked and then pulled the tray of cupcakes out. I placed it on the counter behind me and went to reach for the other trays.

"We're going to have to wait a bit before we start putting frosting on them." Felicity instructed.

"I'm going to start on the banana bread." Kiara said looking highly pleased with how it turned out, which was gold brown and fluffy.

"Oh, I want some too!" Kathy exclaimed rushing over.

"Hey, by the way, where's Bianca?" Yasmine asked, noticing she wasn't in the room.

"I don't know." Mary shrugged as she took a bite from the bread. "Maybe went to the bathroom?"

Yasmine shrugged cluelessly and joined us in eating the banana bread.

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