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I found myself spending my nights at Zayn's a few more times before I decided I would go back to my own room to sleep. So last night I had slept in my bed, sure it was comfy, but it was cold since I had no one to cuddle with... more specifically, i didn't have Zayn to cuddle with.

So with the need and excitement to see him again today, I quickly got out of bed and went to get ready for breakfast. After freshening up and changing my clothes, I began to make my way towards the door to exit, as I fumbled around with the necklace I decided to wear with my outfit today, to straighten it.

When I stepped out, I noticed the lounge suddenly went quiet which made me look up from my necklace and towards the girls, who were previously chatting amongst themselves, now all staring at me silently.


"Hey, guys." I greeted them, smiling brightly at them.

No one replied back but a few girls instead whispered something to each other, which made me frown.

Kiara got up from her seat and walked towards me with her eyebrows knitted together. "Hey Zara, you okay?"

"Me? Yeah, I'm totally fine. Are you guys okay?" I asked, with a smile beginning to tug at my lips. "Why are you all staring at me like this?"

"Oh, no." Hanna spoke up. "Hun, it's okay, you can share it with us. We're here for you."

"Share what?"

"Zara-" Kiara reached forward to place her hand on my shoulder in an attempt to comfort me.

"Can you please just tell me what's going on?" I blurted out.

"This is." Yasmine spoke out next, standing up and coming towards me with a newspaper in her hand. She handed it to me and the headline on the page it was opened to, made me widened my eyes in shock.

It read: Diaz Sexually Harassed by The Malik

"What the fuck is this?!" I yelled out unintentionally, slightly crumpling the sides of the newspaper.

"That's what we're trying to figure out, Zara." Kiara answered, biting on her lower lip.

Frantic, I hurriedly scanned my eyes across the article, coming across more disgusting allegations against Zayn.

"...perhaps in actuality, they are Zayn Malik's rape dolls."

"Could Zayn be a sex addict and now is taking things too far?"

"...a close source to Diaz - who was previously known has the first virgin competitor - states the contestant is terrified and wants to quit the competition, but isn't being allowed to by her raper."

There was also a picture of the shirt Zayn was wearing the night we first had sex, and it falsely stated how I was the cause of it's damage because it had been done in the process of me trying to fight Zayn off.

"None of this is true!" I said looking up and throwing the newspaper off to the side.

"That's what I thought." Kathy said agreeing. "It has to be a rumour since you haven't even slept with him."

"No." I sighed. "Zayn and I did have sex."

"Hold up!" Hanna out her hand up. "When did this happen and why didn't you give us the details?"

"I was going to... eventually. But look, right now I have to go." I said, grabbing the newspaper again.

"Where?" Kiara asked.

"I have to go see Zayn about this."

She gave me a curt nod and with that, I rushed out of the room and headed for the elevator. I impatiently waited for it to arrive and then to take me on the second floor. Once it had, I jogged out into the hallway and rushed towards the study, where I could hear Zayn was yelling at someone.

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