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Our naked bodies pressed against each other's, the heat between us heightening. I moaned lightly into his mouth, my hands digging in his hair as he slanted his lips over mine, sliding his tongue into my mouth.

Arousal overtook me, and all I wanted to do was have him inside me one way or another, pleasuring me where I needed it most. As if he read my mind, he pulled away and kissed my cheek, breathing hard.

"I need a condom." he whispered.

"Oh, I don't think I have one in my room." I admitted.

"Sure you do." he smirked, pecking my forehead before leaning over the bed and opening my nightstand drawer. Even though I'm sure I have never put any condoms anywhere, I'm surprised when he pulls out what I assume is one, ripping it open.

"There's a packet in every room of the mansion." he said, biting his lip. "Comes in handy, huh?"

Even though I should be mad that he has a pack of condoms in all of the girls' rooms, I'm not. Of course I knew he slept around, it's what he's best at to everyone else. Sure, it's a little disappointing to know that he's been with that many women, but I'm hoping tonight will change that.

When he slipped the condom onto his thick length, he crawled back on top of me, biting his lip.

"I've wanted to do this for such a long time." he ran his hand over my hair. "You have no idea how crazy you make me."

"I'm yours now." I whispered, looking up at him lovingly as I trace the side of his face. "I'm all yours."

He took in a sharp breath as he pressed his mouth to mine once again. His hands curled around my thighs as he propped my knees up again, pulling away from my mouth.

My heart raced, but I tried to relax myself as I curled my hands around his shoulders. One of his hands ran down his chest to grab his cock as he bit his lip, kissing my lips briefly.

"You want this, baby." he said to me instead of asking me, which is exactly what I need to assure myself; his power, his demand, his control. I need to know I'm in good hands, which I am.

"I do." I breathed, cupping his jaw. "I want you so bad."

"How bad?" he asked, completely surprising me as he ran the tip of his cock against my sex teasingly, looking at me brazenly. I gasped, gripping his shoulders at the explicit contact between the two of us, pleasure rushing in my veins.

"So bad, Zayn." I whispered, kissing his jaw breathlessly. He continued rubbing his head against me without pushing himself inside of me, teasing me willfully. I groaned, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and digging my nails into his back.

"You're my girl." he breathed, parting his mouth over my neck. "Fuck, whose girl are you?"

"Yours." I answered him, my hips arching as he stroked his cock against me faster now, hinting that he's about to take it to the next level. I only start kissing his jaw, loving the way he is reacting to me.

"Moan as loud as you need to." he grunted against my neck. "I don't care who hears."

And I nodded, which surprises me slightly. I was never one to be so reckless, so carefree, but tonight, I wanted to be. I wanted to moan his name so loud that everyone in the mansion heard and knew who he was with tonight.

My mind raced as I kissed him, but he took me completely by surprise when he gently pushed himself inside of me, only the tip of his length entering me but I was already moaning.

My back arched, my breathing heavy as I tightened immediately. He grunted, digging his face in my shoulder and digging his hands in my hair.

"That's it, babe." he kissed the side of my head. I dug my nails into his shoulder, moaning as he pulled out to give me air to breathe. But I didn't have another moment to think before he pushed himself inside me, deeper this time, but not completely.

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